p wfgh 1111 11111 111111
287 48 0
65626 -1818 0
4654 21512 02020 0
li = [i.strip()。split() readlines()]
pre code $ \\ python
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>>> print(input.txt)。readlines()])
[['p','wfgh','1111','11111' ,'111111'],['287','48','0'],['65626',' - 1818','0'],['4654','21512','02020','0 ']]
I need help with importing a file and converting each line into a list.
An example of the file would look like:
p wfgh 1111 11111 111111
287 48 0
65626 -1818 0
4654 21512 02020 0
The first line beginning with p is a header and the rest are clauses.Each clause line must begin with a series of at least two integers and finish with a zero
thanks in advance
解决方案 The following line will create a list where each item is a list. The inner list is one line thats split up into "words".
li = [i.strip().split() for i in open("input.txt").readlines()]
I put the code snippet you posted into a input.txt file in c:\temp and ran this line. Is the output similar to what you want?
Python 3.1.1 (r311:74483, Aug 17 2009, 17:02:12) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print([i.strip().split() for i in open("input.txt").readlines()])
[['p', 'wfgh', '1111', '11111', '111111'], ['287', '48', '0'], ['65626', '-1818', '0'], ['4654', '21512', '02020', '0']]