

我正在尝试以 CSV 格式保存 pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame(也可以是另一种格式,只要它易于阅读).

到目前为止,我找到了几个保存 DataFrame 的示例.但是,每次我写它都会丢失信息.


# 创建一个示例 Pyspark DataFrame从 pyspark.sql 导入行Employee = Row("firstName", "lastName", "email", "salary")员工 1 = 员工('A', 'AA', 'mail1', 100000)员工 2 = 员工('B', 'BB', 'mail2', 120000)员工 3 = 员工('C',无,'mail3',140000)员工 4 = 员工('D', 'DD', 'mail4', 160000)员工5 = 员工('E','EE','mail5',160000)部门 1 = Row(id='123', name='HR')部门 2 = Row(id='456', name='OPS')部门 3 = Row(id='789', name='FN')部门4 = Row(id='101112', name='DEV')DepartmentWithEmployees1 = Row(department=department1,雇员=[employee1,employee2,employee5])DepartmentWithEmployees2 = Row(department=department2,雇员=[employee3,employee4])DepartmentWithEmployees3 = Row(department=department3,雇员=[employee1,employee4,employee3])DepartmentWithEmployees4 = Row(department=department4,雇员=[employee2,employee3])DepartmentWithEmployees_Seq = [departmentWithEmployees1,departmentWithEmployees2]dframe = spark.createDataFrame(departmentsWithEmployees_Seq)

为了将此文件保存为 CSV,我首先尝试了

仅供参考:我在 Databricks 工作,使用 Python.

因此,如何在不丢失信息的情况下写入我的数据(上面示例中的 dframe)?


编辑为 Pault 添加一张图片,以显示 csv(和标题)的格式.

编辑 2替换图片例如csv输出:

运行 Pault 的代码后:

 from pyspark.sql.functions import to_jsondframe.select(*[to_json(c).alias(c) for c in dframe.columns])\.repartition(1).write.csv("junk_mycsv.csv", header= True)


部门员工(空ColName)(空ColName)(以此类推){\id\":\"123\" \"name\":\"HR\"}" [{\firstName\":\"A\" \"lastName\":\"AA\" (...)


dframe.printSchema()#根# |-- 部门: struct (nullable = true)# ||-- id: string (nullable = true)# ||-- 名称:字符串(可为空 = 真)# |-- 员工: 数组 (nullable = true)# ||-- 元素: struct (containsNull = true)# |||-- firstName: string (nullable = true)# |||-- lastName: string (nullable = true)# |||-- 电子邮件:字符串(可为空 = 真)# |||-- 薪水:long (nullable = true)

所以 department 列是一个带有两个命名字段的 StructType,而 employees 列是一个包含四个命名字段的结构数组.看来您想要的是以一种格式写入数据,即同时保存每条记录的 keyvalue.

一种选择是以 JSON 格式而不是 CSV 格式写入文件:




或者如果您想将其保留为 CSV 格式,您可以使用 to_json 在写入 CSV 之前将每一列转换为 JSON.

# 遍历所有列# 但您也可以将其限制为要转换的列从 pyspark.sql.functions 导入到_jsondframe.select(*[to_json(c).alias(c) for c in dframe.columns])\.write.csv("junk_mycsv.csv")




I am trying to save an pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame in CSV format (could also be another format, as long as it is easily readable).

So far, I found a couple of examples to save the DataFrame. However, it is losing information everytime that I write it.

Dataset example:

# Create an example Pyspark DataFrame

from pyspark.sql import Row

Employee = Row("firstName", "lastName", "email", "salary")
employee1 = Employee('A', 'AA', 'mail1', 100000)
employee2 = Employee('B', 'BB', 'mail2', 120000 )
employee3 = Employee('C', None, 'mail3', 140000 )
employee4 = Employee('D', 'DD', 'mail4', 160000 )
employee5 = Employee('E', 'EE', 'mail5', 160000 )

department1 = Row(id='123', name='HR')
department2 = Row(id='456', name='OPS')
department3 = Row(id='789', name='FN')
department4 = Row(id='101112', name='DEV')

departmentWithEmployees1 = Row(department=department1, employees=[employee1, employee2, employee5])
departmentWithEmployees2 = Row(department=department2, employees=[employee3, employee4])
departmentWithEmployees3 = Row(department=department3, employees=[employee1, employee4, employee3])
departmentWithEmployees4 = Row(department=department4, employees=[employee2, employee3])

departmentsWithEmployees_Seq = [departmentWithEmployees1, departmentWithEmployees2]
dframe = spark.createDataFrame(departmentsWithEmployees_Seq)

In order to save this file as CSV, I firstly tried this solution:

Out[]: pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame

Unfortunately, that result in this error:

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: CSV data source does not support struct<id:string,name:string> data type.;

That is the reason why I tried another possibility, to convert the spark dataframe into a pandas dataframe, and save it then. As mentioned in this example.

pandas_df = dframe.toPandas()

Works good! However, If I show my data, it is missing data:


department                                          employees
0   (123, HR)  [(A, AA, mail1, 100000), (B, BB, mail2, 120000...
1  (456, OPS)  [(C, None, mail3, 140000), (D, DD, mail4, 1600...

As you can see in the snapshot below, we are missing information. Because the data should be like this:

department              employees
0  id:123, name:HR      firstName: A, lastName: AA, email: mail1, salary: 100000

# Info is missing like 'id', 'name', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'email' etc.
# For the complete expected example, see screenshow below.

Just for information: I am working in Databricks, with Python.

Therefore, how can I write my data (dframe from the example above) without losing information?

Many thanks in advance!

EditAdding a picture for Pault, to show the format of the csv (and the headers).

Edit2Replacing the picture for example csv output:

After running Pault's code:

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_json
dframe.select(*[to_json(c).alias(c) for c in dframe.columns])\
    .repartition(1).write.csv("junk_mycsv.csv", header= True)

The output is not tidy, since most column headers are empty (due the nested format?). Only copying the first row:

department           employees              (empty ColName)     (empty ColName)   (and so on)
{\id\":\"123\"       \"name\":\"HR\"}"     [{\firstName\":\"A\"  \"lastName\":\"AA\"    (...)

Your dataframe has the following schema:

# |-- department: struct (nullable = true)
# |    |-- id: string (nullable = true)
# |    |-- name: string (nullable = true)
# |-- employees: array (nullable = true)
# |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
# |    |    |-- firstName: string (nullable = true)
# |    |    |-- lastName: string (nullable = true)
# |    |    |-- email: string (nullable = true)
# |    |    |-- salary: long (nullable = true)

So the department column is a StructType with two named fields and the employees column is an array of structs with four named fields. It appears what you want is to write the data in a format that saves both the key and the value for each record.

One option is to write the file in JSON format instead of CSV:


Which produces the following output:


Or if you wanted to keep it in CSV format, you can use to_json to convert each column to JSON before writing the CSV.

# looping over all columns
# but you can also just limit this to the columns you want to convert

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_json
dframe.select(*[to_json(c).alias(c) for c in dframe.columns])\

This produces the following output:


Note that the double-quotes are escaped.


09-05 19:13