

本文介绍了Eclipse Javadoc无法正确呈现的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在Ubuntu 12.10中设置我的工作环境,而目前我在Eclipse中的Javadoc风格已经迷失了。 Javadoc透视图中显示的工具提示和Javadoc根本没有正确呈现HTML。
这是我的Windows 7安装Eclipse的样子:





有同样的问题 - 解决方案很简单:安装libwebkitgtk-1.0- 0包可用在默认的ubuntu存储库中。

(如果您没有使用Ubuntu了解您的发行版中如何调用该组件以及如何安装) p>

I'm currently trying to set up my working environment in Ubuntu 12.10, and I'm currently lost with the styling of Javadoc in Eclipse. The tooltips, and the Javadoc shown in the Javadoc perspective are not rendering the HTML correctly at all.This is what it looks like on my Windows 7 installation of Eclipse:

On Ubuntu, it looks completely broken and is not rendering anything correctly, which gets especially distracting when there is lots of text, code or other things included into the Javadoc:

Has anyone experienced this kind of issue before or might be able to help otherwise?Note: I also changed my gtkrc up a bit to change the tooltip color, as it used to be just really dark text on black background, but that should have only changed the general font and background color, not the rendering of HTML.

I just found this very related question:Eclipse is formatting javadoc tooltips very poorly on Ubuntu

However, noone there was able to answer the person asking the question


Had the same problem- Solution is easy: Install the libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 package available in the default ubuntu repositories.

(If you're not using Ubuntu find out how that component is called on your distro and how to install it)

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09-05 19:11