




I'm using WMI and am trying to find a powershell script that will allow me get the OU of the local computer and then get a full list of computers in that OU.



$ComputerName = '<Name of Computer>';
$Computer = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\directory\ldap' -Query "Select DS_distinguishedName from DS_computer where DS_cn = '$ComputerName'";
$OU = $Computer.DS_distinguishedName.Substring($Computer.DS_distinguishedName.IndexOf('OU='));
$ComputersInOU = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root\directory\ldap' -Query "Select DS_cn, DS_distinguishedName from DS_computer where DS_distinguishedName like '%$OU'";


I think this also finds computers in child OUs, but I'm not sure how to limit it to a single OU without doing a ton of queries. The query syntax is just rather sparse. Eliminating the child OU objects after retrieval of the full list might be the only way to do it with any semblance of performance.


Fair warning: This is slow. Really slow. Like "Oh, crap did I break something?!" slow. I pointed it at a computer that shares an OU with less than 20 other computers, and it takes nearly a minute to run. Even the first fetching of just the single computer takes more than 1 second.


$ComputerName = '<Name of Computer>';
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -Cmdlet Get-ADComputer, Get-ADOrganizationalUnit;
$Computer = Get-ADComputer $ComputerName;
$OU = $Computer.DistinguishedName.SubString($Computer.DistinguishedName.IndexOf('OU='));
$ComputersInOU = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchScope OneLevel -SearchBase (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit $OU).DistinguishedName;

这需要2秒钟,包括加载Active Directory模块.加载完成后,只需不到200毫秒的时间.

That takes 2 seconds, including loading the Active Directory module. With it already loaded, that takes less than 200 milliseconds.

如果您无权访问 ActiveDirectory PowerShell模块,则可以使用 [ADSISearcher] .由于结果的显示方式,使用它们也很麻烦,但它们甚至比 ActiveDirectory 模块更快,该模块基本上只是对此的包装.

If you don't have access to the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module, then you can use an [ADSISearcher]. These are also a pain to use because of how results are presented, but they're even faster than the ActiveDirectory module, which is basically just a wrapper for this.

$ComputerName = '<Name of Computer>';
$ADSISearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher;
$ADSISearcher.Filter = '(&(name=' + $ComputerName + ')(objectClass=computer))';
$ADSISearcher.SearchScope = 'Subtree';
$Computer = $ADSISearcher.FindAll();

$OU = $($Computer.Properties.Item('distinguishedName')).Substring($($Computer.Properties.Item('distinguishedName')).IndexOf('OU='));
$OUADsPath = 'LDAP://' + $OU;

$ADSISearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher;
$ADSISearcher.Filter = '(objectClass=computer)';
$ADSISearcher.SearchScope = 'OneLevel';
$ADSISearcher.SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($OUADsPath);
$ComputersInOU = $ADSISearcher.FindAll();


但是,请注意,已知 ADSI系统包含内存泄漏如果未正确调用它,或者是否调用了 FindAll()并且从不使用结果.我本人已经用这种方法创建了对象,然后不处理它们,并使我的shell进程一夜之间打开,第二天早上我来时,我的系统几乎没有响应,因为所有内存都被消耗掉了. ActiveDirectory 模块完全避免了这些问题,并且代码更加轻巧,因此除非您真的需要比我偏爱的模块少几个毫秒.

However, beware that the ADSI system is known to contain memory leaks if it's not called correctly or if FindAll() is called and the results are never used. I myself have created objects with this method and then not disposed of them and left my shell process open overnight, and when I came in the next morning my system was all but unresponsive because all the memory had been consumed. The ActiveDirectory module avoids these problems entirely, and is even more code light, so unless you really need those extra few milliseconds than I would favor that module.


09-05 19:01