

本文介绍了为什么这个程序在大小大于 50 的情况下花费的时间呈指数级增长?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我正在为类编写一个 ARM 程序集快速排序方法.除了复杂性没有意义之外,我的大部分理解都没有.

So I'm writing an ARM assembly quicksort method for class. I have the understanding down for the most part, other than the complexity is not making sense.

我们正在将它与我们制作的另一种冒泡排序方法进行比较,它在具有 1 个参数和 10 个参数的示例中表现更好.但是我什至无法比较 100 个参数的测试,因为它花费的时间太长……我什至无法让它做 75 个,但在几秒钟内完成了 50 个.

We're comparing it to another bubble sort method we made and it performs better for examples with 1 argument and 10 arguments. However I can't even compare the 100 argument test because it takes too long...I cant get it to do 75 even, but 50 is done in a few seconds.


qsort:  @ Takes three parameters:
    @   a:     Pointer to base of array a to be sorted (arrives in r0)
    @   n:  number of elements in the array (arrives in r1)

    stmfd   sp!, {r4, r6, lr}     @ Save r4 and r6 for caller
    mov     r6, r1                @ r6 <- right
    mov r2, #0                    @ r2 <- left
    sub     r7, r6, r2            @ If right - left <= 1 (already sorted),
    cmp     r7, #1
    ldmlefd sp!, {r4, r6, pc}     @ Return, restoring r4 and r6
    ldr     r7, [r0, r2, asl #2]  @ r7 <- a[left], gets pivot element
    add     r1, r2, #1            @ l <- left + 1
    mov     r4, r6                @ r <- right
    ldr     r3, [r0, r1, asl #2]  @ r3 <- a[l]
    cmp     r3, r7                @ If a[l] <= pivot_element,
    addle   r1, r1, #1            @ ... increment l, and
    ble     partition_test        @ ... continue to next iteration.
    sub     r4, r4, #1            @ Otherwise, decrement r,
    ldr     r8, [r0, r4, asl #2]  @ ... and swap a[l] and a[r].
    str     r8, [r0, r1, asl #2]
    str     r3, [r0, r4, asl #2]
    cmp     r1, r4                @ If l < r,
    blt     partition_loop        @ ... continue iterating.
    sub     r1, r1, #1            @ Decrement l
    ldr     r3, [r0, r1, asl #2]  @ Swap a[l] and pivot
    str     r3, [r0, r2, asl #2]
    str     r7, [r0, r1, asl #2]
    bl      qsort                 @ Call self recursively on left part,
                                  @  with args a (r0), left (r2), r (r2),
                                  @  also preserves r4 and r6
    mov     r2, r4
    b       qsort_tailcall_entry  @ Tail-call self on right part,
                                  @  with args a (r0), l (r2), right (r6)


Can anyone help me understand why in the world it's taking THIS long and growing exponentially? What could I do to fix it?


为了解决快速排序的问题,解决方法是使用Linux qsort"对数字进行排序.

To fix quicksort for getting extra long, a fix would be to use 'Linux qsort' to sort numbers.

@ http://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_qsort.htm
@ http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/qsort.3.html
@ void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
@            int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
@      qsort(r0 =array, r1 =numelements, r2 = 4 bytes,
@            r0=(r3 =cmpfunc){ r0=[r0] - r1=[r1] })

    ldr   r0,  [r0]
    ldr   r1,  [r1]
    sub   r0,  r0, r1
    mov   pc,  lr

    ldr   r0,  =array
    ldr   r1,  =numbytes
    lsr   r1,  #2
    mov   r2,  #4
    ldr   r3,  =cmpfunc

    bl    qsort

使用 urandom 数的完整演示程序.

A complete demo program using urandom numbers.

/* qsort14.s */


@ See /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/asm/unistd.h
@ See /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/fcntl-linux.h

    .equ create,     8
         .equ Mode, 0644       @ -rw-r--r--
    .equ open,       5
         .equ Rd,   00
         .equ Wr,   01
         .equ RdWr, 02
         .equ Apnd, 02000
    .equ read,       3
    .equ write,      4
    .equ close,      6
    .equ sync,       36
    .equ exit,       1
    .equ sfile,      187

    .equ numbytes,  (64 * 4)     @ Has to be multiples
@   .equ numbytes,  (128 * 4)    @  of 8 times 4.
@   .equ numbytes,  (512 * 4)

.balign 4
array: .skip numbytes

.balign 4
    .asciz "/dev/urandom"

.balign 4
    .word dir_file, RdWr | Apnd, open

.balign 4
    .word array, numbytes, read

.balign 4
    .word 0x3ff

.balign 4
    .asciz " %4u  %4u  %4u  %4u  %4u  %4u  %4u  %4u\n"

.balign 4
    .asciz "\n"

@ ---------------------------


.global main

    push  {r0-r12, lr}
    mrs   r12,  cpsr
    push  {r11, r12}
    mov   r0,  #0xa
    bl    putchar
    ldr   r12, =numbytes
    lsr   r12, #5
    mov   r11, #0
    ldr   r0,  =array
    add   r0,  r11
    ldm   r0,  {r1-r8}
    push  {r4-r12}
    ldr   r0,  =format
    bl    printf
    pop   {r4-r12}
    add   r11, #32
    subs  r12, #1
    bne   endprt
    pop   {r11, r12}
    msr   cpsr_f, r12
    pop   {r0-r12, lr}
    mov   pc, lr

@ ---- Program starts here ----
@ ---- Read random numbers ----

    push  {r4-r12, lr}

    ldr   r3, =Open            @ load address
    ldm   r3, {r0, r1, r7}     @ load registers
    svc   #0                   @ OS opens urandom file
    mov   r4, r0               @ save fd in r4

    ldr   r3, =Read            @ load address
    ldm   r3, {r1, r2, r7}     @ load registers
    svc   #0                   @ OS reads urandom file

    mov   r0, r4               @ move fd in r0
    mov   r7, #close           @ num for close
    svc   #0                   @ OS closes urandom file

@ ---- Fix array so numbers are 999 or less ----

    ldr   r10, =array
    ldr   r1,  =numbytes
    sub   r1,  #4
    ldr   r2,  =hex3ff
    ldr   r2,  [r2]
    ldr   r0,  [r10, r1]
    and   r0,  r2
    cmp   r0,  #1000
    subge r0,  #1000
    lslge r0,  r0, #5
    str   r0,  [r10, r1]
    subs  r1,  #4
    bpl   fix

@ ---- Print unsorted array ----

    bl    Prt_arr
    b     qsort_setup

@ http://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_qsort.htm
@ http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/qsort.3.html
@ void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
@            int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
@      qsort(r0 =array, r1 =numelements, r2 = 4 bytes,
@            r0=(r3 =cmpfunc){ r0=[r0] - r1=[r1] })

    ldr   r0,  [r0]
    ldr   r1,  [r1]
    sub   r0,  r0, r1
    mov   pc,  lr

    ldr   r0,  =array
    ldr   r1,  =numbytes
    lsr   r1,  #2
    mov   r2,  #4
    ldr   r3,  =cmpfunc

    bl    qsort

    bl    Prt_arr
    mov   r0,  #0xa
    bl    putchar

    pop    {r4-r12, lr}
    bx     lr


这篇关于为什么这个程序在大小大于 50 的情况下花费的时间呈指数级增长?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 18:47