

本文介绍了如何在Steel Bank Common Lisp中处理输入和输出流?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图弄清楚如何使用以RUN-PROGRAM开头的一个程序的输出流,以便可以将其用作以RUN-PROGRAM开头的另一个程序的输入(即,道德上的,也许是文字上的等价物)管道).我尝试使用:INPUT:OUTPUT:WAIT关键字参数的多种组合,但没有任何反应迄今已取得成果.任何提示都会有所帮助;例如,我将如何在shell中执行类似ls | grep lisp的操作?

I'm trying to figure out how to use the output stream of one program I start with RUN-PROGRAM so it can be used as the input of another program started with RUN-PROGRAM (i.e., the moral and perhaps literal equivalent of piping). I've tried using a number of combinations of the :INPUT, :OUTPUT and :WAIT keyword arguments, but nothing I've hitupon has been productive so far. Any tips would be helpful; for example, how would I go about doing something like ls | grep lisp from the shell?


(defun piping-test ()
  (let ((grep-process (run-program "/usr/bin/grep" '("lisp")
                                  :input :stream
                                  :output :stream)))
        (with-open-stream (s (process-input grep-process))
          (let ((ls-process (run-program "/bin/ls" '()
                                        :output s)))
            (when ls-process
                  (with-open-stream (o (process-output grep-process))
                      :for line := (read-line o nil nil)
                      :while line
                      :collect line))
               (process-close ls-process)))))
     (when grep-process (process-close grep-process)))))

在SLIME REPL中运行此命令会导致一切挂起,直到我摔坏为止使用C-c C-c,显然这不是正确的选择,但是我不知道如何更改它,所以这是正确的事情.

Running this in a SLIME REPL causes everything to hang until I breakwith C-c C-c, so it's pretty obviously not the right thing, but I'mnot sure how to change it so it is the right thing.

编辑:将:WAIT NIL添加到两个RUN-PROGRAM调用中,或仅添加到grep的调用中,并不能解决问题.在这种情况下,该函数将挂起,并用C-c C-c中断会得到一个堆栈跟踪,表明有一个名为SB-UNIX:SELECT的本地函数(通过FLET定义)已挂起.

Adding :WAIT NIL to both RUN-PROGRAM invocations, or to only the invocation for grep, doesn't do the trick. In that case, the function will hang, and breaking with C-c C-c gets a stack trace indicating that there's a local function (defined via FLET) called SB-UNIX:SELECT that has hung.


我在 comp.lang.lisp .他的解决方案是针对CMUCL的,但是它在紧密相关的SBCL上使用了实质上相同的RUN-PROGRAM函数,并且进行了较小的更改也可以在CCL上使用,因为CCL的RUN-PROGRAM本质上是CMUCL/的克隆. SBCL.

I got a working answer from Raymond Toy on comp.lang.lisp. His solution was for CMUCL, but it worked with the essentially identical RUN-PROGRAM function on the closely related SBCL, and with minor changes it will work on CCL as well, because CCL's RUN-PROGRAM is basically a clone of the one from CMUCL/SBCL.


The secret, as it were, is to set up the ls process first, and then provide its output stream to the grep process as input, like so:

(defun piping-test2 ()
  (let ((ls-process (run-program "/bin/ls" '()
                                 :wait nil
                                 :output :stream)))
        (with-open-stream (s (process-output ls-process))
          (let ((grep-process (run-program "/usr/bin/grep" '("lisp")
                                          :input s
                                          :output :stream)))
            (when grep-process
                  (with-open-stream (o (process-output grep-process))
                       :for line := (read-line o nil nil)
                       :while line
                       :collect line))
                (process-close grep-process)))))
      (when ls-process (process-close ls-process)))))


I also experimented with omitting the :WAIT NIL argument from the RUN-PROGRAM call for ls, and it worked just as well.

这篇关于如何在Steel Bank Common Lisp中处理输入和输出流?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 18:23