

本文介绍了bsub 命令中的输出重定向的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以在 bsub 命令中使用输出重定向,例如:

Is it possible to use output redirection inside bsub command such as:

bsub -q short "cat <(head -2 myfile.txt) > outputfile.txt"

目前这个 bsub 执行失败.另外我试图转义重定向标志和括号都失败了,例如:

Currently this bsub execution fails. Also my attempts to escape the redirection sign and the parenthesis were all failed, such as:

bsub -q short "cat \<\(head -2 myfile.txt\) > outputfile.txt"
bsub -q short "cat <\(head -2 myfile.txt\) > outputfile.txt"


*Note, I'm well aware that the redirection in this simple command is not necessary as the command could easily be written as:

bsub -q short "head -2 myfile.txt > outputfile.txt"

然后它确实会正确执行(没有错误).然而,我对实现输出 '<' 的重定向感兴趣在更复杂的命令的上下文中,我将这个简单的命令仅作为示例.

and then it would indeed be executed properly (without errors). I am however interested in implementing the redirection of output '<' within the context of a more composed command, and am bringing this simple command here as an example only.


<(...)进程替换 -- 一个在基线上不可用的 bash 扩展POSIX 外壳.system()subprocess.Popen(..., shell=True) 和类似的调用使用 /bin/sh,这是不保证的有这样的扩展.

<(...) is process substitution -- a bash extension not available on baseline POSIX shells. system(), subprocess.Popen(..., shell=True) and similar calls use /bin/sh, which is not guaranteed to have such extensions.


As a mechanism that works with any possible command without needing to worry about how to correctly escape it into a string, you can export that function and any variables it uses through the environment:

# for the sake of example, moving filenames out-of-band

mycmd() { cat <(head -2 <"$in_file") >"$out_file"; }

export -f mycmd                # export the function into the environment
export in_file out_file        # and also any variables it uses

bsub -q short 'bash -c mycmd'  # ...before telling bsub to invoke bash to run the function

这篇关于bsub 命令中的输出重定向的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 18:22