


Why the following two decoding methods return different results?

>>> import codecs
>>> data = ['', '', 'a', '']
>>> list(codecs.iterdecode(data, 'utf-8'))
>>> [codecs.decode(i, 'utf-8') for i in data]
[u'', u'', u'a', u'']


Is this a bug or expected behavior? My Python version 2.7.13.


这很正常. iterdecode在编码的块上使用迭代器,并在解码的块上返回迭代器,但是它不保证一对一的对应关系.它保证的是所有输出块的串联都是对所有输入块的串联的有效解码.

This is normal. iterdecode takes an iterator over encoded chunks and returns an iterator over decoded chunks, but it doesn't promise a one-to-one correspondence. All it guarantees is that the concatenation of all output chunks is a valid decoding of the concatenation of all input chunks.

如果您查看源代码 ,您会看到它明确地丢弃了空的输出​​块:

If you look at the source code, you'll see it's explicitly discarding empty output chunks:

def iterdecode(iterator, encoding, errors='strict', **kwargs):
    Decoding iterator.
    Decodes the input strings from the iterator using an IncrementalDecoder.
    errors and kwargs are passed through to the IncrementalDecoder
    decoder = getincrementaldecoder(encoding)(errors, **kwargs)
    for input in iterator:
        output = decoder.decode(input)
        if output:
            yield output
    output = decoder.decode("", True)
    if output:
        yield output


Be aware that the reason iterdecode exists, and the reason you wouldn't just call decode on all the chunks yourself, is that the decoding process is stateful. The UTF-8 encoded form of one character might be split over multiple chunks. Other codecs might have really weird stateful behavior, like maybe a byte sequence that inverts the case of all characters until you see that byte sequence again.


09-05 17:48