我要定义一个函数 template< typename T> T constCast(const ScriptVar_t& s);
。根据 T
,我想要有不同的定义。 ( ScriptVar_t
不像特定类型那么简单,它们都是更复杂的静态布尔表达式。也就是说我有一个表达式的列表 ext1
.. extN
#include< boost / type_traits.hpp>
struct BaseObject {};
struct CustomVar {};
template< typename T> struct GetType;
模板<> struct GetType< int> {static const int value = SVT_INT; };
模板<> struct GetType< float> {static const int value = SVT_FLOAT; };
模板<> struct GetType< BaseObject> {static const int value = SVT_BASEOBJ; };
template< bool> struct GetType_BaseCustomVar;
模板<> struct GetType_BaseCustomVar< true> {
struct Type {static const int value = SVT_CUSTOMVAR; };
template< typename T> struct GetType:GetType_BaseCustomVar< boost :: is_base_of< CustomVar,T> :: value> :: Type {};
struct ScriptVar_t;
template< typename T> T CastScriptVarConst(const ScriptVar_t& s);
struct ScriptVar_t {
operator int()const {return 0; }
operator float()const {return 0.0f; }
运算符BaseObject()const {return BaseObject(); }
template< typename T> T * as()const {return NULL; }
template< typename T> T castConst()const {return CastScriptVarConst< T>(* this); }
// ***相关代码从这里开始
模板< typename T> T CastScriptVarConst(const ScriptVar_t& s);
template< bool> struct CastScriptVar1;
template< typename T> struct CastScriptVar1_IsSimpleType {
static const bool value = GetType< T> :: value< SVT_BASEOBJ;
模板<> struct CastScriptVar1< true> {
template< typename T> static T castConst(const ScriptVar_t& s,const T& / * dummy * /){return(T) }
template< bool> struct CastScriptVar2;
template< typename T> struct CastScriptVar2_IsCustomVar {
static const bool value = boost :: is_base_of< CustomVar,T> :: value;
模板<> struct CastScriptVar2< true> {
template< typename T> static T castConst(const ScriptVar_t& s,const T& / * dummy * /){return * s.as T }
模板<> struct CastScriptVar1< false> {
template< typename T> static T castConst(const ScriptVar_t& s,const T& / * dummy * /){
return CastScriptVar2< CastScriptVar2_IsCustomVar< T> :: value> :: castConst(s,T
template< typename T> T CastScriptVarConst(const ScriptVar_t& s){
return CastScriptVar1< CastScriptVar1_IsSimpleType< T> :: value> :: castConst(s,T());
int main(){
v.castConst< int>();
v.castConst< CustomVar>();
(从代码中可以看出,两个表达式分别是 GetType< T> :: value< SVT_BASEOBJ
code> boost :: is_base_of< CustomVar,T> :: value 。如果两者都为假,编译器应该抛出一个错误,但这只是我的问题的一个例子) p>
如果我的理解正确,我会发现, d使用
组成的基于类型的查找表。 pick_cast
,而不是 int
#include< boost / type_traits.hpp> ;
#include< boost / mpl / int.hpp>
#include< boost / mpl / vector.hpp>
#include< boost / mpl / if.hpp>
#include< boost / mpl / at.hpp>
struct BaseObject {};
structure CustomVar {};
命名空间mpl = boost :: mpl;
struct ScriptVar_t {
operator int()const {return 0; }
operator float()const {return 0.0f; }
operator BaseObject()const {return BaseObject(); }
template< typename T> T * as()const {return NULL; }
template< typename T> T castConst()const;
struct default_cast {
template< typename T>
T operator()(const ScriptVar_t& s)const {return(T)s; }
struct base_cast {
template< typename T>
T operator()(const ScriptVar_t& s)const {return * s.as< T& }
typedef mpl :: vector< default_cast,base_cast>铸造
选择合适的转换模板< typename T>
struct pick_cast {
typedef typename mpl :: if_< typename boost :: is_base_of< CustomVar,T> :: type,
mpl :: int_< BASE> ;, mpl :: int_< DEFAULT> > :: type类型;
template< typename T> T ScriptVar_t :: castConst()const {
typedef typename mpl :: at< casts,typename pick_cast< T> :: type> :: type func;
return func()。template operator()< T>(* this);
int main(){
ScriptVar_t v;
v.castConst< int>();
v.castConst< CustomVar>();
I want to define a function template<typename T> T constCast(const ScriptVar_t& s);
. Depending on T
, I want to have different definitions. (ScriptVar_t
is a class but details are not important here in this context.)
The conditions on T
aren't as simple as specific types, they are all somewhat more complicated static boolean expressions. I.e. I have a list of expressions ext1
and for each, I have a definition of that function. And I want to have them checked in that order and the definition of the first matching expression should be used. If all of them fail, I want to get a compiler error.
Right now, I just have 2 definitions and my code looks like this (this is a full test case, the relevant code is marked):
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
enum {
struct BaseObject {};
struct CustomVar {};
template<typename T> struct GetType;
template<> struct GetType<int> { static const int value = SVT_INT; };
template<> struct GetType<float> { static const int value = SVT_FLOAT; };
template<> struct GetType<BaseObject> { static const int value = SVT_BASEOBJ; };
template<bool> struct GetType_BaseCustomVar;
template<> struct GetType_BaseCustomVar<true> {
struct Type { static const int value = SVT_CUSTOMVAR; };
template<typename T> struct GetType : GetType_BaseCustomVar<boost::is_base_of<CustomVar,T>::value>::Type {};
struct ScriptVar_t;
template<typename T> T CastScriptVarConst(const ScriptVar_t& s);
struct ScriptVar_t {
operator int() const { return 0; }
operator float() const { return 0.0f; }
operator BaseObject() const { return BaseObject(); }
template<typename T> T* as() const { return NULL; }
template <typename T> T castConst() const { return CastScriptVarConst<T>(*this); }
// *** relevant code starts here
template<typename T> T CastScriptVarConst(const ScriptVar_t& s);
template<bool> struct CastScriptVar1;
template<typename T> struct CastScriptVar1_IsSimpleType {
static const bool value = GetType<T>::value < SVT_BASEOBJ;
template<> struct CastScriptVar1<true> {
template<typename T> static T castConst(const ScriptVar_t& s, const T& /*dummy*/) { return (T) s; }
template<bool> struct CastScriptVar2;
template<typename T> struct CastScriptVar2_IsCustomVar {
static const bool value = boost::is_base_of<CustomVar,T>::value;
template<> struct CastScriptVar2<true> {
template<typename T> static T castConst(const ScriptVar_t& s, const T& /*dummy*/) { return *s.as<T>(); }
template<> struct CastScriptVar1<false> {
template<typename T> static T castConst(const ScriptVar_t& s, const T& /*dummy*/) {
return CastScriptVar2<CastScriptVar2_IsCustomVar<T>::value>::castConst(s, T());
template<typename T> T CastScriptVarConst(const ScriptVar_t& s) {
return CastScriptVar1<CastScriptVar1_IsSimpleType<T>::value>::castConst(s, T());
int main() {
ScriptVar_t v;
I came up with this after a few tries until it works.
(As you can see from the code, the two expressions are GetType<T>::value < SVT_BASEOBJ
and boost::is_base_of<CustomVar,T>::value
. If both are false, the compiler should throw an error. But this is only an example for my question.)
I wonder if there is a somewhat more clean solution for this code.
For reference, I am playing with it here. And right now, I have again a somewhat different solution to all the other solutions here.
If I understood correctly, I'd use a look-up table for thecast-functors and a meta-function to calculate the offset into thetable.
An alternative would be to use a type based look-up table consistingof tags and functors. pick_cast
would then choose the right taginstead of an int
. This might be easier to read if the decisiontable becomes large.
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/at.hpp>
struct BaseObject {};
struct CustomVar {};
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
struct ScriptVar_t {
operator int() const { return 0; }
operator float() const { return 0.0f; }
operator BaseObject() const { return BaseObject(); }
template<typename T> T* as() const { return NULL; }
template <typename T> T castConst() const;
struct default_cast {
template<typename T>
T operator()(const ScriptVar_t& s) const { return (T) s; }
struct base_cast {
template<typename T>
T operator()(const ScriptVar_t& s) const { return *s.as<T>(); }
typedef mpl::vector< default_cast, base_cast > casts;
enum {
// pick the right cast for T
template<typename T>
struct pick_cast {
typedef typename mpl::if_< typename boost::is_base_of<CustomVar,T>::type,
mpl::int_<BASE>, mpl::int_<DEFAULT> >::type type;
template <typename T> T ScriptVar_t::castConst() const {
typedef typename mpl::at<casts, typename pick_cast<T>::type>::type func;
return func().template operator()<T>(*this);
int main() {
ScriptVar_t v;
这篇关于C ++和typetrits:定义可能定义列表的最简单方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!