import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ToneAnalyzerV3Beta
import urllib.request
import codecs
import csv
import os
import re
import sys
import collections
import glob
ipath ='C:/ TEMP /'#输入文件夹
opath ='C:/ TEMP / matrix /'#输出文件夹
reader = codecs.getreader utf-8)
tone_analyzer = ToneAnalyzerV3Beta(
url ='https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer/api',
username ='ABCID',
password ='ABCPASS',
version ='2016-02-11')
path ='C:/ TEMP / *。txt'
file = glob.glob b $ b text = file.read()
data = tone_analyzer.tone(text ='text')
for cat in data ['document_tone'] ['tone_categories']:
print ('category:',cat ['category_name'])
for tone in cat ['tones']:
print(' - ',tone ['tone_name'],tone ['score'] )
#create file
在上面的代码中,我想要做的就是阅读文件和做情绪分析所有的文本文件存储在C:/ TEMP文件夹,但我不断收到和错误:'list'对象没有属性'读'
files = glob.glob(path)
with open(fle)as f:
text = f.read()
$ b files = glob.glob(path)
#打开文件,然后调用.read )获得文本
with open(fle)as f,open({}。csv.format(fle.rsplit(。,1)[1]),
text = f.read()
wr = writer(out)
data = tone_analyzer.tone(text ='text')
wr.writerow column,names])#编写col名称
然后调用 writerow
I am new to python and I am using following code to pull output as sentiment analysis:
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ToneAnalyzerV3Beta
import urllib.request
import codecs
import csv
import os
import re
import sys
import collections
import glob
ipath = 'C:/TEMP/' # input folder
opath = 'C:/TEMP/matrix/' # output folder
reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
tone_analyzer = ToneAnalyzerV3Beta(
path = 'C:/TEMP/*.txt'
file = glob.glob(path)
text = file.read()
for cat in data['document_tone']['tone_categories']:
print('Category:', cat['category_name'])
for tone in cat['tones']:
print('-', tone['tone_name'],tone['score'])
#create file
In the above code all I am trying to do is to read the file and do sentiment analysis all the text file stored in C:/TEMP folder but I keep getting and error :'list' object has no attribute 'read'
Not sure where I am going wrong and I would really appreciate any help with this one. Also, is there a way i can write the output to a CSV file so if I am reading the file
ABC.txt and I create a output CSV file called ABC.csv with output values.
Thank You
glob returns a list of files, you need to iterate over the list, open each file and then call .read on the file object:
files = glob.glob(path)
# iterate over the list getting each file
for fle in files:
# open the file and then call .read() to get the text
with open(fle) as f:
text = f.read()
Not sure what it is exactly you want to write but the csv lib will do it:
from csv import writer
files = glob.glob(path)
# iterate over the list getting each file
for fle in files:
# open the file and then call .read() to get the text
with open(fle) as f, open("{}.csv".format(fle.rsplit(".", 1)[1]),"w") as out:
text = f.read()
wr = writer(out)
data = tone_analyzer.tone(text='text')
wr.writerow(["some", "column" ,"names"]) # write the col names
Then call writerow
passing a list of whatever you want to write for each row.