HTML 5地理位置的工作原理是什么?它是否根据IP地址猜测位置?我猜这不需要GPS功能的设备?我在我的笔记本电脑上没有GPS。
我一直试图在 and 但我要么获取位置信息不可用或失败。这可能是什么原因?
注意:我通过USB Tethering连接到互联网。
On what basis does HTML 5 geolocation work ? Does it guess the location on the basis of IP address ? I guess it doesn't need a GPS enabled device ? I do not have GPS on my laptop.
I have been trying to test my location using HTML5 geolocation on w3schools geolocation tester/demo and html5demos but I either get location information unavailable or failed. What could be the reason for this ?
Note : I am connected to internet via USB Tethering.
How exactly the browser does geolocation is up to it. If it has access to a GPS device, it may use that. Otherwise it may do GSM triangulation, reverse IP geolocation, WiFi network database lookups or anything else it can or can't do.
It depends on your browser/OS and is not guaranteed to work.