The existing list of countries is excellent, but we need to select Saudi Arabia in particular and show it another list with the names of the main cities such as Riyadh, Jeddah, etc. The last option is another, and if he selects another, a text box will appear to write the name of the city or region in which it is located.
I try this, Its work with me when select Saudi Arabia, i can show list of cities, but I could not do if he selects another, a text box will appear to write the name of the city or region in which it is located.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_default_address_fields' , 'customize_checkout_city_field' );
function customize_checkout_city_field( $address_fields ) {
global $woocommerce;
if ($woocommerce->customer->get_country() == 'SA') {
$towns_cities_arr = array(
'0' => __('Select City', 'my_theme_slug'),
'Abhā' => 'Abhā',
'Abqaiq' => 'Abqaiq',
'Al-Baḥah' => 'Al-Baḥah',
'Al-Dammām' => 'Al-Dammām',
'Al-Hufūf' => 'Al-Hufūf',
'Al-Jawf' => 'Al-Jawf',
'Al-Kharj' => 'Al-Kharj',
'Al-Khubar' => 'Al-Khubar',
'Al-Qaṭīf' => 'Al-Qaṭīf',
'Al-Ṭaʾif' => 'Al-Ṭaʾif',
'ʿArʿar' => 'ʿArʿar',
'Buraydah' => 'Buraydah',
'Dhahran' => 'Dhahran',
'Ḥāʾil' => 'Ḥāʾil',
'Jiddah' => 'Jiddah',
'Jīzān' => 'Jīzān',
'Khamīs Mushayt' => 'Khamīs Mushayt',
'King Khalīd Military City' => 'King Khalīd Military City',
'Mecca' => 'Mecca',
'Medina' => 'Medina',
'Najrān' => 'Najrān',
'Ras Tanura' => 'Ras Tanura',
'Riyadh' => 'Riyadh',
'Sakākā' => 'Sakākā',
'Tabūk' => 'Tabūk',
'Yanbuʿ' => 'Yanbuʿ',
'Other' => 'Other',
$address_fields['city']['type'] = 'select';
$address_fields['city']['class'] = array('update_totals_on_change');
$address_fields['city']['label'] = __('City', 'my_theme_slug');
$address_fields['city']['options'] = $towns_cities_arr;
} else {
$address_fields['city']['type'] = 'text';
return $address_fields;
以下代码(由 jQuery 提供支持)会将城市文本字段替换为城市的自定义下拉列表(仅适用于特定国家/地区)这个特定国家/地区,如果城市选择的值为其他",则其他文本字段将出现在城市下拉菜单中,客户可以在其中手动输入其他城市.
The following code (jQuery powered) will replace the city text field by a custom dropdown of cities for a specific country only and for this specific country, if the city selected value is "Others", an additional text field will appear under the cities dropdown, where customer can enter manually a different city.
The code works for shipping and billing fields independently.
When "Others" is selected for the defined country, the two last functions will:
- 验证是否已填写城市附加字段
- 将城市价值保存为开票或运输城市价值.
// HERE are is the array of cities for Saudi Arabia (SA)
function get_cities_options(){
$domain = 'woocommerce'; // The domain text slug
return array(
'' => __('Select a city', $domain),
'Abhā' => 'Abhā', 'Abqaiq' => 'Abqaiq',
'Al-Baḥah' => 'Al-Baḥah', 'Al-Dammām' => 'Al-Dammām',
'Al-Hufūf' => 'Al-Hufūf', 'Al-Jawf' => 'Al-Jawf',
'Al-Kharj' => 'Al-Kharj', 'Al-Khubar' => 'Al-Khubar',
'Al-Qaṭīf' => 'Al-Qaṭīf', 'Al-Ṭaʾif' => 'Al-Ṭaʾif',
'ʿArʿar' => 'ʿArʿar', 'Buraydah' => 'Buraydah',
'Dhahran' => 'Dhahran', 'Ḥāʾil' => 'Ḥāʾil',
'Jiddah' => 'Jiddah','Jīzān' => 'Jīzān',
'Khamīs Mushayt' => 'Khamīs Mushayt',
'King Khalīd Military City' => 'King Khalīd Military City',
'Mecca' => 'Mecca', 'Medina' => 'Medina',
'Najrān' => 'Najrān', 'Ras Tanura'=> 'Ras Tanura',
'Riyadh' => 'Riyadh', 'Sakākā' => 'Sakākā',
'Tabūk' => 'Tabūk', 'Yanbuʿ' => 'Yanbuʿ',
'Other' => __('Other cities (not listed)', $domain),
// add an additional field
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'additional_checkout_city_field' );
function additional_checkout_city_field( $fields ) {
// Inline CSS To hide the fields on start
?><style> #billing_city2_field.hidden, #shipping_city2_field.hidden {display:none;}</style><?php
$fields['billing']['billing_city2'] = array(
'placeholder' => _x('Other city', 'placeholder', 'woocommerce'),
'required' => false,
'priority' => 75,
'class' => array('form-row-wide hidden'),
'clear' => true
$fields['shipping']['shipping_city2'] = array(
'placeholder' => _x('Other city', 'placeholder', 'woocommerce'),
'required' => false,
'priority' => 75,
'class' => array('form-row-wide hidden'),
'clear' => true
return $fields;
// Add checkout custom select fields
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'custom_checkout_city_field', 20, 1 );
function custom_checkout_city_field() {
// Only checkout page
if( is_checkout() && ! is_wc_endpoint_url() ):
$country = 'SA'; // <=== <=== The country code
$b_city = 'billing_city';
$s_city = 'shipping_city';
$billing_city_compo = 'name="'.$b_city.'" id="'.$b_city.'"';
$shipping_city_compo = 'name="'.$s_city.'" id="'.$s_city.'"';
$end_of_field = ' autocomplete="address-level2" value="">';
$billing_text_field = '<input type="text" class="input-text" ' . $billing_city_compo . $end_of_field;
$shipping_text_field = '<input type="text" class="input-text" ' . $shipping_city_compo . $end_of_field;
$billing_select_field = '<select ' . $billing_city_compo . $end_of_field;
$shipping_select_field = '<select ' . $shipping_city_compo . $end_of_field;
<script type="text/javascript">
var a = <?php echo json_encode( get_cities_options() ); ?>, fc = 'form.checkout',
b = 'billing', s = 'shipping', ci = '_city2',
bc = '<?php echo $b_city; ?>', sc = '<?php echo $s_city; ?>', co = '_country',
bci = '#'+bc, sci = '#'+sc, fi = '_field',
btf = '<?php echo $billing_text_field; ?>', stf = '<?php echo $shipping_text_field; ?>',
bsf = '<?php echo $billing_select_field; ?>', ssf = '<?php echo $shipping_select_field; ?>',
cc = '<?php echo $country; ?>';
// Utility function that fill dynamically the select field options
function dynamicSelectOptions( type ){
var select = (type == b) ? bsf : ssf,
fvalue = (type == b) ? $(bci).val() : $(sci).val();
$.each( a, function( key, value ){
selected = ( fvalue == key ) ? ' selected' : '';
selected = ( ( fvalue == '' || fvalue == undefined ) && key == '' ) ? ' selected' : selected;
select += '<option value="'+key+'"'+selected+'>'+value+'</option>';
select += '</select>';
if ( type == b )
// Utility function that will show / hide the "country2" additional text field
function showHideCity2( type, city ){
var field = (type == b) ? bci : sci,
country = $('#'+type+co).val();
if( country == cc && city == 'Other' && $('#'+type+ci+fi).hasClass('hidden') ){
} else if( country != cc || ( city != 'Other' && ! $('#'+type+ci+fi).hasClass('hidden') ) ) {
if( country != cc && city == 'Other' ){
// On billing country change
$(fc).on('change', '#'+b+co, function(){
var bcv = $(bci).val();
if($(this).val() == cc){
if( $(bci).attr('type') == 'text' ){
showHideCity2( b, $(bci).val() );
} else {
if( $(bci).attr('type') != 'text' ){
showHideCity2( b, $(bci).val() );
// On shipping country change
$(fc).on('change', '#'+s+co, function(){
var scv = $(sc).val();
if($(this).val() == cc){
if( $(sci).attr('type') == 'text' ){
showHideCity2( s, $(sci).val() );
} else {
if( $(sci).attr('type') != 'text' ){
showHideCity2( s, $(sci).val() );
// On billing city change
$(fc).on('change', bci, function(){
showHideCity2( b, $(this).val() );
// On shipping city change
$(fc).on('change', sci, function(){
showHideCity2( s, $(this).val() );
// Check for city 2 fields if billing or/and shipping city fields is "Other"
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'cbi_cf_process');
function cbi_cf_process() {
// Check billing city 2 field
if( isset($_POST['billing_city2']) && empty($_POST['billing_city2']) && $_POST['billing_city'] == 'Other' ){
wc_add_notice( __( "Please fill in billing city field" ), "error" );
// Updating shipping city 2 field
if( isset($_POST['shipping_city2']) && empty($_POST['shipping_city2']) && $_POST['shipping_city'] == 'Other' ){
wc_add_notice( __( "Please fill in shipping city field" ), "error" );
// Updating billing and shipping city fields when using "Other"
add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_create_order', 'update_order_city_field', 30, 2 );
function update_order_city_field( $order, $posted_data ) {
// Updating billing city from 'billing_city2'
if( isset($_POST['billing_city2']) && ! empty($_POST['billing_city2']) && $_POST['billing_city'] == 'Other' ){
$order->set_billing_city(sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_city2'] ) );
// Updating shipping city
if( isset($_POST['shipping_city2']) && ! empty($_POST['shipping_city2']) && $_POST['shipping_city'] == 'Other' ){
$order->set_shipping_city(sanitize_text_field( $_POST['shipping_city'] ) );
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (active theme). Tested and works.