




This is the first time I'm writing a Firefox addon. For the addon I'm trying to write, I need to make calls to Twitter's APIs. In order to do so, I need an oauth library to start off.

I discovered that there already exists such a library in the npm package repository. Seeing how Firefox addons are written in Javascript, I decided to try using it. Unfortunately, it seems that I cannot simply use modules from NodeJS by running npm install oauth.

Message: Module `crypto` is not found at resource://gre/modules/commonjs/crypto.js

However, is there some other way that I can use these modules, considering it is nonetheless written in Javascript? I am hoping to not have to write an oauth library from scratch just to start my addon.

To clarify, I'm writing addon code, not content script. I want the addon to be the one making the calls to Twitter API.

The code I currently have is pretty simple. I have a class twitter.js:

var OAuth = require("oauth");
var OAuth2 = OAuth.OAuth2;

var Twitter = function() {


module.exports = Twitter;

And in my index.js I simply add some code to:

var Twitter = require("./twitter");
var twitter = new Twitter();

Fully working Twitter OAuth sign in, using JPM addon sdk:


The dependencies that were needed were the CryptoJS files for the SHA1-HAMC encryption.

Install that addon. It will work perfectly.

When customizing for yourself, you will have to update the global variable gOauth.twitter entries of callback, key, and secret. You get this from the manage app on twitter:

The details page, this is where you get the key and callback - for me the url is - https://apps.twitter.com/app/12197899

Then from the "Keys and Access Tokens" page you get the secret - for me the url is - https://apps.twitter.com/app/12197899/keys


09-05 17:00