



$ p


 < body> 
< div class =container>
< figure class =special_imagesdata-effect =zoomdata-profiles =testdata-options =some options>
< img data-src =specialImage0.jpg/>
< img data-src =specialImage1.jpg/>
< img data-src =specialImage2.jpg/>
< img data-src =specialImage3.jpg/>
< img data-src =specialImage4.jpg/>
< / figure>
< div class =normal_images>
< img src =normalImage0.jpg/>
< img src =normalImage1.jpg/>
< / div>
< / div>
< / body>

special_image 图中的所有内容将由外部页面加载更改脚本,所以我对此没有影响(否则我的所有问题都不会存在)。


 < body> 
< div class =container>
< figure class =special_images thumbs-bottomdata-effect =zoomdata-profiles =testdata-options =some options>
< div class =some classes>
< div>
<! - 多层添加内容 - >
< / div>
< div class =缩略图缩略图水平>
< div class =缩略图缩略图水平>
< div class =thumbnailails-wrapper>
< ul style =some styles>
< li class =thumbnail-selected>< img src =specialImage0?someParameters>< / li>
< li>< img src =specialImage1.jpg?someParameters>< / li>
< li>< img src =specialImage2.jpg?someParameters>< / li>
< li>< img src =specialImage3.jpg?someParameters>< / li>
< li>< img src =specialImage4.jpg?someParameters>< / li>
< / ul>
< / div>
< / div>
< / div>
< / div>
< / figure>
< div class =normal_images>
< img src =normalImage0.jpg/>
< img src =normalImage1.jpg/>
< / div>
< / div>
< / body>

外部脚本添加了所有这些元素后,我需要追加 正常图像进入脚本创建的无序列表


jQuery on()在这里不行,内容应该被自动移动,并且不会被点击处理程序触发。



您可以 以检测何时外部脚本已经修改了special_images元素。

  var targetNodes = $ .special_images); var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var myObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler); var obsConfig = {childList:true,characterData:false,attributes:false,subtree:true}; // ---向观察者添加一个目标节点。只能在一个时间添加一个节点targetNodes.each(function(){myObserver.observe(this,obsConfig);}); function mutationHandler(mutationRecords){if($('。thumbnailails-wrapper')。length){ myObserver.disconnect(); $('。thumbnailails-wrapper ul')。append($('。normal_images img')。detach()); }} setTimeout(function(){$('。special_images')。append('< div class =thumbnailails-wrapper>< ul>< / ul>< / div>')},3000 );  
 < script src =https:// ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"></script><body> < div class =container> < div class =special_imagesdata-effect =zoomdata-profiles =testdata-options =some options> < img data-src =specialImage0.jpg/> < img data-src =specialImage1.jpg/> < img data-src =specialImage2.jpg/> < img data-src =specialImage3.jpg/> < img data-src =specialImage4.jpg/> < / DIV> < div class =normal_images> < img src =normalImage0.jpg/> < img src =normalImage1.jpg/> < / DIV> < / div>< / body>  

How can I target and append content to already dynamically added content?


    <div class="container">
        <figure class="special_images" data-effect="zoom" data-profiles="test" data-options="some options">
            <img data-src="specialImage0.jpg"/>
            <img data-src="specialImage1.jpg"/>
            <img data-src="specialImage2.jpg"/>
            <img data-src="specialImage3.jpg"/>
            <img data-src="specialImage4.jpg"/>
        <div class="normal_images">
            <img src="normalImage0.jpg"/>
            <img src="normalImage1.jpg"/>

Everything in the special_image figure will be changed on page load by an external script, so I don't have influence on this (otherwise all of my problems wouldn't exist).

HTML manipulated by external script:

    <div class="container">
        <figure class="special_images thumbs-bottom" data-effect="zoom" data-profiles="test" data-options="some options">
            <div class="some classes">
                    <!-- multiple layers of added content -->
                <div class="thumbnails thumbnails-horizontal">
                    <div class="thumbnails thumbnails-horizontal">
                        <div class="thumbnails-wrapper">
                            <ul style="some styles">
                                <li class="thumbnail-selected"><img src="specialImage0?someParameters"></li>
                                <li><img src="specialImage1.jpg?someParameters"></li>
                                <li><img src="specialImage2.jpg?someParameters"></li>
                                <li><img src="specialImage3.jpg?someParameters"></li>
                                <li><img src="specialImage4.jpg?someParameters"></li>
        <div class="normal_images">
            <img src="normalImage0.jpg"/>
            <img src="normalImage1.jpg"/>

After the external script added all of those elements, I need to append the normal images into the unordered list created by the script.

jQuery can't seem to find the added elements when I try to target them, even if I delay the function and wait until the external script finished the job.

I did not find any solution to do this and I hope someone here can help me.The jQuery on() sadly doesn't work here, the contents should be moved automatically and are not fired by a click handler.

Thanks in advance for any tips or clues.


You can use MutationObserver events to detect when the external script has modified the special_images element.

var targetNodes = $(".special_images");
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
var myObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler);
var obsConfig = {
  childList: true,
  characterData: false,
  attributes: false,
  subtree: true

//--- Add a target node to the observer. Can only add one node at a time.
targetNodes.each(function() {
  myObserver.observe(this, obsConfig);

function mutationHandler(mutationRecords) {
  if ($('.thumbnails-wrapper').length) {
    $('.thumbnails-wrapper ul').append(
      $('.normal_images img').detach()

setTimeout(function () {
  $('.special_images').append('<div class="thumbnails-wrapper"><ul></ul></div>')
}, 3000);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <div class="container">
    <div class="special_images" data-effect="zoom" data-profiles="test" data-options="some options">
      <img data-src="specialImage0.jpg" />
      <img data-src="specialImage1.jpg" />
      <img data-src="specialImage2.jpg" />
      <img data-src="specialImage3.jpg" />
      <img data-src="specialImage4.jpg" />
    <div class="normal_images">
      <img src="normalImage0.jpg" />
      <img src="normalImage1.jpg" />


09-05 16:56