

本文介绍了初始化我的PhoneGap deviceready angularJs应用程序后,的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a phonegap app using AngularJS.


On my app I am using the NetworkStatus plugin to confirm the type of connection the mobile phone is using.


On my root route I am resolving a call to a Service which call DeviceService and it responsbile to access the navigator.network.connection.type and decide if the connection is on or off. the resove send to the controller (through route resolve functionality) a connectionState variable which declare the state of the connection.


On that route I would like to throw an error if Connection is not available.


Having said that, my problem is the the DeviceReady event is fired after my route is accessed. so my route resolve unable to complete the connection verification.


How can I sync up that my angular app will only start after DeviceReady event is fired ?



Getting the injector module error from AngularJs usually means that you either mispelled the name of the module or angular simply did not find it.


If the Angular app works properly on its own (e.g when not wrapped in phonegap), this means that this issue is in the order the things happens when your index.html is loaded.

  • 科尔多瓦/ PhoneGap的加载你的索引页

  • 其网页视图对其进行解析,并加载它的脚本代码

  • 如果一些code未包裹在函数或对象,它马上执行

  • 的PhoneGap发送事件 deviceready 来告诉你的应用程序,其桥梁与本地code准备

  • Cordova/PhoneGap loads your index page
  • Its Webview parses it and loads its scripts tags
  • If some code is not wrapped in functions or objects, it's executed straight away
  • Phonegap sends the event deviceready to tell your app that its bridges with native code are ready


The last 2 operations can occur in both orders but most often in the one I gave you.Thus, if you put your angular module name on the html or body tag through ng-app for instance, angular will try loading it when it finds it.


So, for it to work, you need to :

  • 删除 YourAppName 从HTML / body标签

  • 创建您的角模块正常(其名称必须在引导和模块调用匹配)

  • 使用 deviceready 事件作为触发自举应用程序

  • Remove YourAppName from html/body tag
  • Create your angular module normally (its name must match in bootstrap and module calls)
  • Use the deviceready event as the trigger to boostrap your application


For example (short example, nothing but css in head) :

    <div class="app">
        <div id="deviceready" class="blink">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="phonegap.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.addEventListener('deviceready', function onDeviceReady() {
            angular.bootstrap(document, ['YourAppName']);
        }, false);

        var YourAppName = angular.module('YourAppName', []);

您可以使用ASLO 其中工程pretty以及如果你有铬32+在您的PC和手机的Andr​​oid 4.4,还是只有PC和调试的模拟器。很高兴看到这些错误和东西。

If you want to understand this on your own, I recommend putting some console.log to get the order of things.
You can aslo use Chrome DevTools remote debugging which works pretty well If you have Chrome 32+ on your pc and android 4.4 on phone, or only pc and you debug on emulator. Quite nice to see the errors and stuff.Debugging webviews is a bit strange at first but really useful to trace errors !


这篇关于初始化我的PhoneGap deviceready angularJs应用程序后,的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 16:40