




This code delivers AFAIK correct JSON output [{},{}], but each row is appended and replaces all previous rows, so the result shows only copies of the last row.

var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = db.Query(query)
cols, _ := rows.Columns()
colnames, _ := rows.Columns()
vals := make([]interface{}, len(cols))

for i, _ := range cols {
   vals[i] = &cols[i]

m := make(map[string]interface{})

for i, val := range vals {
  m[colnames[i]] = val

list := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(vals...)
   list = append(list, m)
json, _ := json.Marshal(list)
fmt.Fprintf(w,"%s\n", json)


This is what happens behind the scenes looping through the rows:

循环2:{"ID":"2","NAME":"Jane Doe"} {"ID":"2","NAME":"Jane Doe"}

loop 2: {"ID":"2","NAME": "Jane Doe"}{"ID":"2","NAME": "Jane Doe"}

循环3:{"ID":"3","NAME":"Donald Duck"} {"ID":"3","NAME":"Donald Duck"} {"ID":"3","NAME":"Donald Duck"}

loop 3: {"ID":"3","NAME": "Donald Duck"}{"ID":"3","NAME": "Donald Duck"}{"ID":"3","NAME": "Donald Duck"}


The rows.Scan fetches the correct values, but it appends AND replaces all previous values.





You may downvote this, but please explain why. I am still a newbie on Golang and want to learn.



I fixed it and explained with comments what you did wrong:

// 1. Query
var rows *sql.Rows
rows, err = db.Query(query)
cols, _ := rows.Columns()

// 2. Iterate
list := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
for rows.Next() {
    vals := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
    for i, _ := range cols {
        // Previously you assigned vals[i] a pointer to a column name cols[i].
        // This meant that everytime you did rows.Scan(vals),
        // rows.Scan would see pointers to cols and modify them
        // Since cols are the same for all rows, they shouldn't be modified.

        // Here we assign a pointer to an empty string to vals[i],
        // so rows.Scan can fill it.
        var s string
        vals[i] = &s

        // This is effectively like saying:
        // var string1, string2 string
        // rows.Scan(&string1, &string2)
        // Except the above only scans two string columns
        // and we allow as many string columns as the query returned us — len(cols).

    err = rows.Scan(vals...)

    // Don't forget to check errors.
    if err != nil {

    // Make a new map before appending it.
    // Remember maps aren't copied by value, so if we declared
    // the map m outside of the rows.Next() loop, we would be appending
    // and modifying the same map for each row, so all rows in list would look the same.
    m := make(map[string]interface{})
    for i, val := range vals {
        m[cols[i]] = val
    list = append(list, m)

// 3. Print.
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(list, "", "\t")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)


Don't worry, this was hard for me to understand when I was a beginner as well.


var list []map[string]interface{}
rows, err := db.Queryx(query)
for rows.Next() {
    row := make(map[string]interface{})
    err = rows.MapScan(row)
    if err != nil {
    list = append(list, row)

b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(list, "", "\t")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)

这与上面的代码相同,但使用的是 sqlx .简单一点,不是吗?

This does the same as the code above it, but with sqlx. A bit simpler, no?

sqlx是 database/sql 之上的扩展,具有直接将行扫描到映射和结构的方法,因此您不必手动进行此操作.

sqlx is an extension on top of database/sql with methods to scan rows directly to maps and structs, so you don't have to do that manually.


I think your model looks nicer as a struct:

type Person struct {
    ID int
    Name string

var people []Person
rows, err := db.Queryx(query)
for rows.Next() {
    var p Person
    err = rows.StructScan(&p)
    if err != nil {
    people = append(people, p)



09-05 16:26