



我的ASP.NET MVC应用程序将被部署到了一系列的负载平衡Web服务器。有一个问题我还在制定是如何处理动态上传的文件内容,例如用户上传的图片 - 显然,节省了他们在那里他们被上传不会允许他们从其他服务器可以访问的服务器上负载均衡组中。

My ASP.NET MVC application will be deployed to a series of load-balanced web servers. One problem I'm still working out is how to handle dynamically-uploaded file content, such as user-uploaded images -- obviously, saving them on the server where they were uploaded won't allow them to be accessed from the other servers in the load balanced group.


Currently I'm planning to save these to a shared storage location, specifically a UNC path referring to a directory on our NAS; but I'm not sure how best to retrieve these files to display them to the client. I'm thinking I'll need to write a custom route handler of some kind to retrieve them from the non-web-accessible storage location on the server side and then stream them back to the client. This seems relatively straightforward to do, yet I'm struggling with how to begin to approach this in ASP.NET.


Another solution I've considered is creating a Virtual Directory in each application directory which points to the network directory.

我甚至考虑过(通过文件上传处理code)上传文件到Amazon S3和使用CloudFront的交付他​​们,但我宁愿避免外部服务的依赖。

I've even considered uploading the files to Amazon S3 (via the file upload handling code) and using CloudFront to delivery them, but I'd rather avoid the external service dependency.


Which approach do you recommend, and are there established best practices or even existing components/libraries available for accomplishing this sort of thing?


在ASP.NET MVC你可以用一个控制器动作处理这个问题,像这样:

In ASP.NET MVC you can handle this with a controller action, like so:

public class SharedImageController : Controller {

    public ActionResult GetImage(String imageId) {

        String uncPath = GetImageUncLocationFromId( imageId );

        Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; // change as appropriate
        return new FileResult( uncPath );


<img src="<%= Url.Action("GetImage", "SharedImage", new  { imageId = "SomeImage.jpg" } %>" alt="Some descriptive text" />


You could make a custom HtmlHelper extension method to make this less error-prone if you'll be using this a lot.


09-05 16:12