So this is the PHP script :
$from = "";
$to = "";
// generate ip addrs
$arry1 = explode(".",$from);
$arry2 = explode(".",$to);
$a1 = $arry1[0]; $b1 = $arry1[1]; $c1 = $arry1[2]; $d1 = $arry1[3];
$a2 = $arry2[0]; $b2 = $arry2[1]; $c2 = $arry2[2]; $d2 = $arry2[3];
while( $d2 >= $d1 || $c2 > $c1 || $b2 > $b1 || $a2 > $a1){
if($d1 > 255){
$d1 = 1;
$c1 ++;
if($c1 > 255){
$c1 = 1;
$b1 ++;
if($b1 > 255){
$b1 = 1;
$a1 ++;
echo "$a1.$b1.$c1.$d1 <br>";
$d1 ++;
And this is what i have made in VB.NET2005
Dim fromip As String = ""
Dim toip As String = ""
Dim arry1 As String() = fromip.Split(".")
Dim arry2 As String() = toip.Split(".")
Dim a1 As String = arry1(0)
Dim b1 As String = arry1(1)
Dim c1 As String = arry1(2)
Dim d1 As String = arry1(3)
Dim a2 As String = arry2(0)
Dim b2 As String = arry2(1)
Dim c2 As String = arry2(2)
Dim d2 As String = arry2(3)
Dim coco As New StreamWriter("a.txt", True)
Do While d2 >= d1 Or c2 > c1 Or b2 > b1 Or a2 > a1
If d1 > 255 Then
d1 = 1
c1 += 1
End If
If c1 > 255 Then
c1 = 1
b1 += 1
End If
If b1 > 255 Then
b1 = 1
a1 += 1
End If
coco.WriteLine(a1 & "." & b1 & "." & c1 & "." & d1)
d1 += 1
End If
它应在192.168.255.255处停止,但应在192.168.3.2处停止.出了点问题,我无法理解.在VB.NET 2010中,该代码可以很好地与朋友提供的代码配合使用:
It should stop at but it stops at Something is wrong and I cant understand what. In VB.NET 2010 works great with this code provided by a friend :
Dim fromip As String = ""
Dim toip As String = ""
Dim a1 As Integer() = fromip.Split("."c).Select(Function(s) Integer.Parse(s)).ToArray
Dim a2 As Integer() = toip.Split("."c).Select(Function(s) Integer.Parse(s)).ToArray
Dim coco As New List(Of String)
While a2(3) >= a1(3) Or a2(2) > a1(2) Or a2(1) > a1(1) Or a2(0) > a1(0)
If a1(3) > 255 Then
a1(3) = 1
a1(2) += 1
End If
If a1(2) > 255 Then
a1(2) = 1
a1(1) += 1
End If
If a1(1) > 255 Then
a1(1) = 1
a1(0) += 1
End If
coco.Add(String.Join(".", New Integer() {a1(0), a1(1), a1(2), a1(3)}))
a1(3) += 1
End While
TextBox1.Lines = coco.ToArray
但是此代码在VB.NET 2005中不起作用.
你能帮我么 ?在此先感谢您和您花费很多时间来查看此问题.
But this code does not work in VB.NET 2005.
Can you please help me ? Thanks in advance and for the time invested in viewing this question.