

本文介绍了由于 IPv6 将取代 IPv4,我应该开发我的新应用程序来支持它吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用多种语言和几个平台开发应用程序.从我所读到的内容来看,IPv6 将在未来 5 到 10 年内成为主流,一些 ISP 甚至提供到 IPv6 Internet 的直接连接.在我的专用网络上,所有机器都有双栈连接,并尽可能使用 IPv6 相互通信.

I develop applications using many languages and a few platforms. From what I am reading, IPv6 is going to be mainstream within then next 5–10 years, and that some ISPs even offer direct connection to the IPv6 Internet. On my private network, all the machines have dual stack connectivity and communicate with each other using IPv6 when possible.

我的问题是:我的新应用程序是否应该编写为支持 IPv6?如果是这样,我需要考虑哪些事情?现在支持 IPv6 有什么缺点吗?

My question is: should my new application be written to support IPv6? If so, what are the things I need to consider? Are there any downsides to supporting IPv6 now?


I don't know if this will help or hurt, but here are some more specific details to maybe direct the answers a little:

我的应用程序将在 Windows/Linux/Mac 上运行,它将包含一个为每个平台单独编写的特定于平台的组件,以及一个用解释语言编写的通用核心"组件.

My app would run on Windows/Linux/Mac, and it would consist of a platform–specific component written separately for each platform, and a common "core" component written in an interpreted language.

我的应用程序应该能够定位在三个平台中的任何一个上运行的其他实例,并支持任意两台机器之间的 TCP 和 UDP.

My app should be able to locate other instances of itself running on any of the three platforms, and support both TCP and UDP between any two machines.


是:您的所有新应用程序都应支持 IPv6.正如您自己所说,它已经在许多 LAN 环境中使用.

Yes: all of your new applications should support IPv6. As you've said yourself, it is already being used in many LAN environments.

否:您不必为了支持 IPv6 而进行太多更改.底层框架应该为您处理差异.这假设您没有做坏"的事情,例如存储或以其他方式操纵 IP 地址.

No: you shouldn't have to change much in order to support IPv6. The underlying framework should take care of the differences for you. This assumes that you aren't doing "bad" things like storing or otherwise manipulating IP addresses.

这篇关于由于 IPv6 将取代 IPv4,我应该开发我的新应用程序来支持它吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 15:56