I am having a weird issue with rails form validation. Currently the validation works fine if the form is visible when the page loads but nothing happens if the form is initially hidden and displayed upon user interaction with the page.
class PushNotification < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :application, foreign_key: :appId, primary_key: :appid
validates :message, :presence => true, :length => { maximum: 75 }
validates :max_message_frequency, :presence => true, :numericality => {:only_integer => true, :greater_than => 0}
validates :appId, :presence => true
<div id="push-message-tab" class="tab-section">
<%= form_for(PushNotification.new,
url: messaging_messaging_cohort_create_push_path(@application, @cohort),
remote: true, validate: true,
html: {
id: :push_notification_create_form,
class: 'new_push_notification_create ' + (@cohort.new_record? ? 'default-segment' : ''),
autocomplete: "off"
}) do |f| %>
<div class="push-form-component-header">
<%= f.label :message, 'Message' %>
<span id="message-char-counter-wrapper"><b id="char-counter">75</b> characters left</span>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit "Save", id:'submit-push', class: 'with-spinner', data: {waiting_text: "Saving"} %>
<% end %>
如果在页面加载时可见push-message-tab元素,则rails表单验证效果很好,但是当我指定style ="display:none"并即时切换可见性选项时,验证就不起作用.该表格将在不执行任何形式的验证的情况下发送.
If push-message-tab element is visible when the page loads the rails form validation works great but it doesn't when I specify style="display: none" and toggle the visibility option on the fly. The form will be sent without performing any sort of validation.
我正在将Rails 3.1与ruby 1.9.2一起使用
I am using rails 3.1 with ruby 1.9.2
您似乎正在使用 client_side_validations gem.
You seem to be using the client_side_validations gem.
根据他们的文档( https://github.com/bcardarella/client_side_validations )并假设您在谈论客户端验证时,我建议您在javascript中尝试以下方法:
Based on their documentation (https://github.com/bcardarella/client_side_validations) and assuming you are talking about client-side validations I would recommend trying something like this in your javascript:
Just after you set the form as being displayed.