

UIImage API提供了以某些区域被拉伸的方式调整图像大小的方法,而其他区域保持不变 - 非常适合可调整大小的UI元素的背景图像。

The UIImage API provides methods to resize an image in a way that certain areas get stretched, while others remain unaltered - great for background images for resizable UI elements.


Now I am looking for a way to customize this behavior for more complex background images.

这是 - (UIImage *)resizableImageWithCapInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)capInsets; 的确如此。透明区域保持不变,当视图大小改变时,红色区域会被拉伸。

This is what - (UIImage *)resizableImageWithCapInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)capInsets; does. The transparent areas remain unaltered, the red areas are stretched when the view size is changed.

这就是我想要的 - 对拉伸区域进行更精细的控制:

This is what i want - finer grained control over the areas that are stretched:

我想我必须通过覆盖我的UIView子类的 - (void)drawRect:方法然后使用Quartz来绘制图片。

I guess I'd have to do that by overwriting the -(void)drawRect: method of my UIView subclass and then use Quartz to do the drawing of the image.


I just can't figure out which of the system APIs I would have to use.


Could anybody give me a hint how to accomplish this?Thanks in advance!



I would just use three separate UIImageViews with resizableImageWithCapInsets inside. You could also so it in drawRect using, for example, CGPattern, but you would have performance issue when scaling the view.


09-05 14:35