

本文介绍了Windows 7中一个进程的GDI对象的上限是多少?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


具有一个GDI泄漏的应用程序,该应用程序最终将击中10,000个分配的GDI对象并崩溃.我尝试增加 GDIProcessHandleQuota 到20,000,但是程序达到10,000个对象时仍然崩溃.我们目前正在修补此泄漏,但出于好奇-是否有办法提高单个过程的GDI限制?还是10k是单个应用程序的硬性限制?

Have an application with a GDI leak that will eventually hit 10,000 allocated GDI objects and crash. I tried increasing the GDIProcessHandleQuota to 20,000, but the program still crashed when it reached 10,000 objects. We're currently working on patching this leak, but out of curiosity--is there a way to increase the GDI limit for a single process? Or is 10k an individual application's hard limit?



There is a solution that might work. I deal with a misbehaved vendor's app here that allocates tons of GDI objects and this solution allows it to work most of the time...

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems" /v windows


Look for SharedSection= which should be 3 numbers separated by commas. Increase the middle number by 1024 at a time and see if that solves your problem. You are controlling the amount of "desktop heap" with this variable which has in the past allowed me to get a misbehaving GDI running.

请查看 KB184802 ,以获取更多信息.搜索SharedSection以找到页面的相关部分.

Look at KB184802 for a little more info. Search for SharedSection to find the relevant part of the page.

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09-05 14:33