I'm developing an app for jailbroken iOS devices.
我想删除用户收件箱中的邮件 - 我在SMS.db上删除了邮件(在消息表)但是当我去收件箱时,它仍然有空白内容和发件人的电话号码。
在iOS 5上,我使用 CKSMSRecordDelete
完美删除了它,但在iOS 6上, ChatKit.framework
I want to delete a message from the user's Inbox - I deleted message on SMS.db (in the "message" table) but when I go to Inbox, it's still there with "blank" content and the sender's phone number.On iOS 5, I deleted it perfectly using the CKSMSRecordDelete
, but on iOS 6, ChatKit.framework
doesn't work any more.
Check out my answer here Block sms on ios6 To delete rows from SMS.db you need to use IMDPersistence.framework
如果你想手动完成,那么你也应该从'chat'和'handle'表中删除行。但我不认为这会奏效。消息将从数据库中删除,但仍会显示在消息应用程序中。你可以尝试杀死'com.apple.imagent'守护进程。它处理iOS 6中的消息,并可能在内存中保留消息。它将自动重启并理想地重新加载SMS.db内容。
If you want to do it manually then you should also delete rows from 'chat' and 'handle' tables. But I don't think this will work. Message will be deleted from database but will still show up in Messages application. You could try and kill 'com.apple.imagent' daemon. It deals with messages in iOS 6 and possibly retains messages in memory. It's will automatically restart and ideally reload SMS.db contents.
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