本文介绍了开始使用OpenGL的... Android中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm an experienced Android developer (if such thing exists) who has never worked with OpenGL before.


There are various advantages of the Android platform (open-source, open distribution, portable, and so on) that make me think that it might be a great environment to finally get into OpenGL.


But I'm also worried that the complexity of working in a environment with limited resources might be too much for someone who has never worked with 3D graphics before. Also, it seems that Android only uses a subset of OpenGL, and I don't know how this will affect my learning experience.

你怎么看?也是Android OpenGL开发的新来者友好的,或有经验的OpenGL的开发人员只?

What do you think? Is Android OpenGL development newcomer-friendly, or for experienced OpenGL developers only?


这里没有一个真正的Android的OpenGL的,这只是的OpenGL ES 1.1和OpenGL ES 2.0的,这是OpenGL的子集,但面向移动和嵌入式设备

There's not really an "Android OpenGL", it's just OpenGL ES 1.1 or OpenGL ES 2.0, which IS a subset of OpenGL, but oriented to mobile and embedded devices.

我不认为任何平台是新人友好,就是这样,你需要获得必要的知识来使用它。支持OpenGL / OpenGL ES的,你需要尝试使用它之前,有一定的计算机图形学知识。 GL ES和GL非常相似,GL ES的知识也可以在GL(不反之亦然,因为它是一个子集),因此只得到了进去。

I don't think any platform is "newcomer-friendly", is just that you need to get the necessary knowledge to use it. For OpenGL/OpenGL ES, you need to have certain computer graphics knowledge before trying to use it. GL ES and GL are very similar and GL ES knowledge also works in GL (not viceversa, since it's a subset), so just get into it.

我推荐这本书的OpenGL ES 2.0编程指南(对于GL ES 2.0)和图书的的吨的OpenGL ES 1.1。这些书是在C,你需要端口他们的Java,因为Android使用的,但基本是相同的。

I recommend the book OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide (for GL ES 2.0) and the book OpenGL ES Game Development for OpenGL ES 1.1. These books are in C, you need to "port" them to Java, since Android uses that, but the basics are the same.

这篇关于开始使用OpenGL的... Android中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 14:22