从服务器的角度来看,使用<img src=pathto.png />
Is there any difference between using <img src=pathto.png />
and from the perspective of the server?
In the case of src=pathto.png
will the server just encode the image and send it to the browser?
The first example references an external resource by specifying its URI. So this will result in making an additional request to that resource to receive the data.
The second example does also reference a resource but the data of that resource is directly embedded in the URI (see data URI scheme). So no additional request is needed.
Both methods have its advantages and disadvantages:
external embedded
separate request (-) ✓ ✗
cachable (+) ✓ ✗
referencable (+) ✓ ✗
compression (+) ✓ ✗
缺点是,它会接受第一个额外的请求.External resource data
The advantage of using an external resource is that such resources can be cached and used in different documents without making requests for every appearance of that resources.
A disadvantage is that it takes that first additional request.嵌入式资源数据
但是缺点是,不能在一个文档或不同文档中的多个外观上缓存或引用此类资源.同样,它不能使用deflate或gzip压缩.实际上,Base64编码将使大小膨胀4/3.Embedded resource data
An Advantage of embedding the resource data directly into the document is to save an additional request.
But a disadvantage is that such resources cannot be cached or referenced on multiple appearances in one document or different documents. Also it cannot be compressed using deflate or gzip. In fact, the Base64 encoding will bloat the size by the factor 4/3.另请参阅的第一个规则减少HTTP请求加速网站的最佳做法.
See also the first rule Make Fewer HTTP Requests of Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site.