


I have a web app with an embedded video within an iframe, typically from a cross-origin source (e.g. YouTube). I currently track focus on window for logging purposes. However, since iframes are not children of window, when the user clicks into the iframe, window blurs, stopping my logs though the user is still viewing the page. How can I track focus to this cross-origin iframe?


tl; dr-您无法跟踪iframe的焦点,至少不能直接跟踪.但是还有其他有用的信息来源.

tl;dr - you can't track focus on the iframe, at least not directly. But there are other sources of information that can be useful enough.


Since the iframe is cross-origin, that immediately rules out accessing its focus state directly, attaching any event handlers, or posting any messages. However, you can use document.body.activeElement to see if the user clicked on the iframe as opposed to another tab/window. With that knowledge, this hack is possible:

const handleLeave = () => {
  const { activeElement } = document;
  const iframeIsActiveElement = activeElement && activeElement.tagName === 'IFRAME';

  if (iframeIsActiveElement) {
    // timeout necessary to not blur the iframe too quickly
    setTimeout(() => activeElement.blur(), 0);


window.addEventListener('blur', handleLeave);

因此,当window模糊时,我们正在检查用户是否单击了iframe.如果是这样,我们将使iframe模糊(用户的动作已经发生),这会将焦点返回到document.body.由于未知的原因(可能是发生得太快,或者我们没有明确地focus使用document.body),任何window focus处理程序都不会触发.而且由于我们return要提早开张,所以doBlurStuff也不会触发.

So when window blurs, we're checking to see if the user clicked on the iframe. If they did, we're going to blur the iframe (the user's action will have already occurred), which returns focus to document.body. For unknown reasons (probably either that it happens too quickly, or that we're not explicitly focusing document.body), any window focus handlers don't fire. And since we're returning early, doBlurStuff also doesn't fire.


One tradeoff: since we're focus-jacking, this has accessibility and UX concerns. The user will not be able to use keyboard events for the iframe, since it will never be able to hold focus. This tradeoff may not be worth it for many usages.


09-05 13:32