

我在分类系统上工作,我们需要将一些源代码复制到一个未分类的机器上。禁止使用除打印副本以外的任何介质(无光盘,拇指驱动器等)。我尝试过PDFXchange,它非常可怕。我从Visual Studio复制了文本,将其全部转换为OCR字体,将字体大小设置为14,打印,扫描,并且PDFXchange出现了错误。

您有任何建议吗? />

编辑:Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov建议我扫描文字。好点子。我的Epson 3640打印机不扫描到文本,只是pdf,jpeg,bitmap和tiff。如果有人知道可以使用的实用程序,我会尝试它。

I work on classified systems and we need to copy some source code to an unclassified machine. Using any media other than printed copy is forbidden (no cdrom, thumb drive, etc). I tried PDFXchange and it was out right terrible. I had copied the text from Visual Studio, converted it all to an OCR font, set font size to 14, printed, scanned, and the PDFXchange was riddled with errors.
Have you any suggestions?

Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov suggested I scan to text. Good Point. My Epson 3640 printer does not scan to text, just pdf, jpeg, bitmap, and tiff. If someone knows of a utility that will work with those I will try it.



09-05 13:09