




I am trying to use the xml2 package to read many podcast feeds. I want to be able to calculate the 75th percentile for the duration of each podcast in a series, and many similar metrics (eg frequency of episodes). I use data.table a lot. I want to carry on using it. Every time I invoke the read_xml argument to read the urls in a column I get this error:

Error: `x` must be a string of length 1


I can get it to work if I process just one row but that defeats the purpose.


Let me give you an example that is simple. Here is the list of just my statistics podcasts but in real life I subscribe > 100 podcasts across many fields.

statml.opml <- read_xml(x = "https://player.fm/farrelbuch/statistics-ml.opml")
statml.items <- xml_find_all(x = statml.opml, "/opml/body/outline")
statml.dt <- data.table(podcast = xml_attr(statml.items, "text"), url = xml_attr(statml.items, "xmlUrl"))

我首先阅读我的播客聚合器提供的opml文件.谢谢 player.fm..然后,我获得了每个提要的清单,并通过查看结构可以看到我需要从每个提要中提取的内容.我最终得到一个data.table,该表具有每个播客的名称及其网址.

I start by reading the opml file my podcast aggregator provides. Thank you player.fm. . Then I get a listing of each feed and by looking at the structure I can see what I need to extract out of each feed. I end up with a data.table that has the name of each podcast and its url.

statml.dt[1, url]
pod1 <- read_xml(x = "https://podcasts.files.bbci.co.uk/p02nrss1.rss")


xml_find_all(x = pod1, "/rss/channel/item/itunes:duration")
xml_text(xml_find_all(x = pod1, "/rss/channel/item/itunes:duration"))

list(xml_text(xml_find_all(x = read_xml(x = "https://podcasts.files.bbci.co.uk/p02nrss1.rss"), "/rss/channel/item/itunes:duration")))


So I can easily display just a single URL and read that xml at that URL. xml_find_all will get all the items tagged with itunes:duration and xml_text will isolate the actual time duration and jettison all the tags. One can convert to a list of times which should enable one to store it in a data.table column.


Look what happens when I try these simple lines of code to fast add columns by reference using :=. You will see that everything works well if I set i=1 (in other words I am operating on the first row and the first row only). But alas, if I leave i blank so that it operates on all the rows or even if I set i to 1:2 the operation fails with error about x must be a string of 1.

statml.dt[,times:=list(xml_text(xml_find_all(x = read_xml(url), "/rss/channel/item/itunes:duration")))]
statml.dt[1,times:=list(xml_text(xml_find_all(x = read_xml(url), "/rss/channel/item/itunes:duration")))]


How do I get an argument to work on every row of a data.table when it is not expecting a column of values?


Vectorize(somefunc)将从最多接受一个的非矢量化函数 somefunc 转换接受向量的参数.

Vectorize(somefunc) will convert a non-vectorized function somefunc from one that accepts at most one argument into one that accepts a vector.

Vectorize(somefunc)返回函数,然后在后续调用中使用该函数.预先对向量进行Vectorize 函数并内联使用很容易.

Vectorize(somefunc) returns a function, which you then use in a subsequent call. It is easy to both pre-Vectorize a function and use it inline.

func1 <- function(x) { stopifnot(length(x) == 1L); 2*x; }

data.table(a=1:2)[, b := func1(a) ]
# Error in func1(a) : length(x) == 1L is not TRUE

data.table(a=1:2)[, b := Vectorize(func1)(a) ][]
#    a b
# 1: 1 2
# 2: 2 4

func1_n <- Vectorize(func1)
data.table(a=1:2)[, b := func1_n(a) ][]
#    a b
# 1: 1 2
# 2: 2 4

当您需要执行更复杂的逻辑时(例如,向量的每个元素调用多个函数),通常最好使用匿名(内联)或预定义的排序函数,即使是暂时的.从那里,使用 lapply sapply :

data.table(a=1:2)[, b := lapply(a, func1)][]
#    a b
# 1: 1 2
# 2: 2 4
str(data.table(a=1:2)[, b := lapply(a, func1)])
# Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  2 variables:
#  $ a: int  1 2
#  $ b:List of 2
#   ..$ : num 2
#   ..$ : num 4
#  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
str(data.table(a=1:2)[, b := sapply(a, func1)])
# Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  2 variables:
#  $ a: int  1 2
#  $ b: num  2 4
#  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>

请注意, lapply 方法看起来就像它生成了一个简单列",但 lapply 始终返回一个 list ,它恰好呈现了人们的思维方式.如果您知道您的函数将始终返回标量"(实际上在R中是长度为1的向量),则可以使用 sapply vapply(a,func1,numeric(1)).

Note that the lapply method looks like it generates a "simple column", but lapply always returns a list, it just happens to render the way one would think. If you know that your function will always return a "scalar" (which in R is actually a vector of length 1), then you can use sapply or perhaps vapply(a, func1, numeric(1)).


09-05 13:03