

我正在尝试为excel 2010编写一个函数,该函数将采用一行HTML并返回链接地址(示例中为http://www.google.com)。每行都遵循以下确切模式:

I am trying to write a function for excel 2010 that will take a line of HTML and return the link address ("http://www.google.com" in the example). Every lines follows this exact pattern:

<a href="http://www.google.com"class="linkClass " >Google Link</a><br/>


I am trying to accomplish this using regular expressions. I was able to build this regular expression using an online regular expression builder. This expression works nicely when I tested it:



Here is the VBA the function that I am using. I am able to get this function to work for other patterns but it throws an error for this pattern.

Function getLink(strData As String) As String
    Dim RE As Object, REMatches As Object

    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    With RE
        .MultiLine = False
        .Global = False
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .pattern = "(?<=href\=)[^]+?(?=class)"
    End With
     Debug.Print RE.pattern
    Set REMatches = RE.Execute(strData)
    getLInk = REMatches(0)

End Function


Why doesn't my pattern work in my getLink function?


正则表达式的VBA实现不允许lookbehind,所以?将无法正常工作。您显示的示例可以在大多数正则表达式中正常工作,但不能使用VBA / VB6。

The VBA implementation of regex does not allow lookbehind so ?<= will not work. The example you've shown will work fine in most regex flavours but not VBA/VB6.


Often with VBA you have to come up with a few shortcuts to achieve what you need, for example some workarounds could include

  • 在阶段使用正则表达式

  • 首先反转字符串,使用正则表达式进行匹配,然后反转结果

  • 将正则表达式与替换方法组合


These articles are quite useful here & here


This will work for the example you've given

Option Explicit

Sub test()
Dim testthis As String

 testthis = getLink("<a href=""http://www.google.com""class=""linkClass "" >Google Link</a><br/>")
End Sub

Function getLink(strData As String) As String
    Dim RE As Object, REMatches As Object

    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    With RE
        .MultiLine = False
        .Global = False
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Pattern = "href=.+?"""
    End With
     Debug.Print RE.Pattern
    Set REMatches = RE.Execute(strData)
    getLink = Replace(Replace(REMatches(0), """", ""), "href=", "")

End Function


There's quite a few different ways to achieve this so you may well find a better solution.


09-05 13:01