To make a long story short, I'm using a backup and am manually recovering one lost days worth of work which is not a major issue. I was just curious as to whether a repair exists if I cannot:
使用ctrl / g或其他机制运行SaveAsText,LoadfromText
Get to the immediate window with ctrl/g or other mechanism to run the SaveAsText, LoadfromText
repair and compact( I get a message saying that corruption has been detected and to run repair.....but I can't)
decompile(gives me the same message as when I try to repair).
我已阅读并尝试了Allen Browne的建议: 从腐败中恢复","恢复序列"和"预防腐败"但不能采取任何建议的步骤。
I've read and tried Allen Browne's suggestions in: Recovering from Corruption","Recovery Sequence" and "Preventing Corruption" but cannot take any of the steps recommended.
Dean J. Waring
Dean J. Waring
*创建一个新的数据库文件,然后尝试从现有的腐败中导入对象。数据库 尝试导入除腐败发生之前修改的少数对象以外的大多数对象。 测试新的数据库文件,然后进行备份。
最后尝试一次导入剩余的对象1,并在每次导入后进行测试+备份。 导入后无法导入的任何对象或数据库测试失败,请使用最近备份的相同对象。
* Create a new database file and then try to import objects from the existing corrupt database. Try to import most objects except for the few objects you modified just before the corruption occurred. Test the new database file then make a back-up. Finally try import the remaining object 1 at a time and test + back up after every import. Any object you cannot import or the database test fail after import, use the same object from a good recent back-up.