




locals {
  roles = [
      role = "roles/admin"
      members = ["user:[email protected]"]
      role = "roles/viewer"
      members = ["user:[email protected]"]


I want my modules to be able to export their own list of roles like

roles = [
      role = "roles/viewer"
      members = ["user:[email protected]"]


And then be able to merge these things together to get

locals {
  roles = [
      role = "roles/admin"
      members = ["user:[email protected]"]
      role = "roles/viewer"
      members = ["user:[email protected]", "user:[email protected]"]


I know if I stored everything as maps I could merge the maps and it would work fine as long as there are no duplicate keys. But in this case I explicitly want to be able to have duplicate keys so that one module doesn't need to care about any of the other modules.


Update I was able to achieve this by doing something like so:

roles = distinct(flatten([
    for rm in local.role_maps : [
      for role, members in rm :
        role = role
        members = sort(distinct(flatten([
          for m in local.role_maps :
          m[role] if lookup(m, role, null) != null


这似乎是一个很好的for 表达式 使用 ... 分组修饰符,它可以通过键分组生成列表映射.

This seems like a good application for a for expression using the ... grouping modifier, which can produce a map of lists by grouping by the keys.

variable "custom_roles" {
  type = list(object({
    role    = string
    members = list(string)

locals {
  default_roles = [
      role    = "roles/admin"
      members = ["user:[email protected]"]
      role    = "roles/viewer"
      members = ["user:[email protected]"]
  all_roles = concat(

  # First we'll project the inputs so that we have one
  # role/member pair per element.
  flat_roles = flatten([
    for r in locals.all_roles : [
      for m in r.members : {
        role   = r.role
        member = m

  # Then we can use that flattened list to produce a map
  # grouped by unique role key.
  merged_roles = {
    for k, v in local.all_roles : k => v...

  # Finally, if the list-of-objects representation was
  # important then we can recover it by projecting that
  # merged_roles map back into the list shape.
  merged_roles_list = tolist([
    for role, members in local.merged_roles : {
      role    = role
      members = tolist(members)

在上面,local.merged_roles 是列表的映射,如下所示:

In the above, local.merged_roles is a map of lists, like this:

  "roles/admin"  = ["user:[email protected]"]
  "roles/viewer" = ["user:[email protected]", "user:[email protected]"]

您可以直接使用该地图,但为了以防对象列表表单很重要,我包含了 local.merged_roles_list,它应该与您提出的问题的结构相匹配.

You could potentially use that map directly, but just in case the list-of-objects form was important I included local.merged_roles_list which should match the structure you asked for your question.


09-05 12:46