

我在安静的地方读了一些提供静态文件的地方应该放在服务器上,例如在。但我使用OpenShift PaaS,并不知道如何修改.htaccess文件。

我遇到了这个,用于从一个网站模板。我在应用程序中为sitemap和robots.txt这样做了 - $ / $>


放置 robots.txt 和 sitemap.xml 到你的应用程序的 static 目录并定义这个视图:

  from flask import Flask,request,send_from_directory 

@ app.route('/ robots.txt')
@ app.route('/ sitemap.xml')
def static_from_root()
return send_from_directory(app.static_folder,request.path [1:])

I've read on quiet a few places that serving static files should be left to the server, for example in a couple of the answers on this SO question. But I use the OpenShift PaaS, and can't figure out how to modify the .htaccess file there.

I came across this piece of code that serves the sitemap from a template. I did that on my app for both the sitemap, and robots.txt, like so -

def sitemap_xml():
    response= make_response(render_template("sitemap.xml"))
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
    return response

def robots_txt():
    return render_template("robots.txt")

Is there any harm in this, or is my approach okay?


Put robots.txt and sitemap.xml into your app's static directory and define this view:

from flask import Flask, request, send_from_directory

def static_from_root():
    return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, request.path[1:])


09-05 12:35