

最新事实证明,在formprocessing.php中,isset($ _ POST ['submit1'])为FALSE(其中,"submit1"现在是提交按钮的名称;最初它没有名称).如下面的代码所示,我最初并未对此进行测试.

LATEST It turns out that, in formprocessing.php, isset($_POST['submit1']) is FALSE (where 'submit1' is now the name of the submit button; originally it did not have a name). As seen in the code below, I did not test for this originally.

它确实解释了很多.但是剩下的问题是为什么 isset($ _ POST ['submit1'])为FALSE.

It does explain a lot. But the remaining question is why isset($_POST['submit1']) is FALSE.


NOTE: This question has been edited to reflect more recent insights.


As a PHP beginner, I’m experimenting with posting forms to the server, and it does not work. In all likelyhood I’m overlooking something simple, but I just don’t see it.

我有两个文件:"form.php"和"formprocessing.php",它们都位于同一文件夹中.我已经在下面包含了完整的代码,但首先要进行一些解释.文件"form.php"包含表单本身,包括"post"方法.可以说,文件"formprocessing.php"是发布"方法的目标,即"action = formprocessing.php".

I have two files: ‘form.php’ and ‘formprocessing.php’, both located in the same folder. I have included the full code below, but first some explanation. The file ‘form.php’ contains the form itself, including the ‘post’ method. The file ‘formprocessing.php’ is the destination, so to speak, of the ‘post’ method, i.e. "action = formprocessing.php".


The idea is that the formprocessing should take place without 'formprocessing.php' loading or 'form.php' reloading (hence "event.preventDefault();" in form.php). I’m aware that I could also be posting to ‘form.php’ itself, but for now I want to go with two separate files.

我几乎从字面上从jQuery站点获取了"form.php"代码( http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/(最后一个示例).我已将action属性中的文件名更改为"formprocessing.php",并添加了必要的JSON.stringify命令(见下文).

I’ve taken the code of ‘form.php’ from the jQuery-site almost literally (http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/ , the last example). I’ve changed the file name in the action attribute to ‘formprocessing.php’, and added a necessary JSON.stringify command (see below).


The rest of the code in ‘formprocessing.php’ simply extracts the value of the posted input field (there is only one field in the form), and gives it back to ‘form.php’ in the form of a JSON-object (which is then stringified in form.php). At least that’s the idea!


The script generated at 'formprocessing.php.' - after typing, say, "xxx" into the input field - is as follows:

<script> {"content":"xxx"} </script>


Now to my eyes, this script SEEMS correct -- but is it? That is the first thing I'd like to know for sure now.


I've now removed all the HTML tags in formprocessing.php. Which also means that the generated script reduces to {"content":"xxx"} , i.e. only the JSON-object. Doesn't change the result though.


Because something does go wrong later. That is, at the end of ‘form.php’, I attach the contents of the data returned from ‘formprocessing.php’ to a div element. But in fact the string attached to the div turns out to be "{"length":0,"prevObject":{"0":{},"1":{},"2":{},"3":{},"4":{},"5":{},"6":{},"7":{},"8":{},"length":9},"selector":"#content"}" -- i.e., indicating an object of length 0. Rather than the actual data supposedly returned from 'formprocessing.php' (which as I said also equal the original input to the form field).


Here comes the code of ‘form.php’:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>jQuery.post demo</title>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>


    <form action="formprocessing.php" id="searchForm">
    <input type="text" name="s" placeholder="Search..." />
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />

    <!-- the result of the search will be rendered inside this div -->
    <div id="result"></div>


    /* attach a submit handler to the form */
    $("#searchForm").submit(function(event) {

    /* stop form from submitting normally */

    /* get some values from elements on the page: */
    var $form = $( this ),
    term = $form.find( 'input[name="s"]' ).val(),
    url = $form.attr( 'action' );

    /* Send the data using post */
    var posting = $.post( url, { s: term } );

    /* Put the results in a div */
    posting.done(function( data ) {
    var content = $( data ).find( '#content' );
    contentstring = JSON.stringify(content);
    $( "#result" ).empty().append( contentstring );





And here’s the code of ‘formprocessing.php’:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="nl">

    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.9.0.js"></script>



   echo "alert('Hello!');";
   $invoer = $_POST['s'];
   echo ( json_encode(array("content" => $invoer)) );





尝试此操作时,对我来说 #result 充满以下数据:

When trying this, #result for me gets filled with the following data:



Probably not entirely what you're looking for. Aside from that the event gets triggered, but you're making a few fatal mistakes:

  1. formprocessing.php创建的ID为#content的元素.
  2. alert()将永远不会与ajax一起执行.使用ajax,您只是静态地加载数据.脚本元素在那里,但不应实际执行
  3. 您可能只想从formprocessing.php发出真实的json.为此,请删除所有html,确保发出 application/json 内容类型,并且 only 返回json.
  1. There is element with id #content what formprocessing.php creates.
  2. alert() will never be executed with ajax. With ajax, you are just loading the data statically. The script element is there, but it's not supposed be actually executed
  3. You probably just want to emit real json from formprocessing.php. To do this, get rid of all the html, make sure you emit a application/json content type and only return json.


09-05 12:19