




How do search engines merge results from an inverted index?


For example, if I searched for the inverted indexes of the words "dog" and "bat", there would be two huge lists of every document which contained one of the two words.


I doubt that a search engine walks through these lists, one document at a time, and tries to find matches with the results of the lists. What is done algorithmically to make this merging process blazing fast?


其实搜索引擎的的合并这些文件列表。他们获得良好的性能通过使用其它技术,其中最重要的是修剪:例如,对于每一个字的文档存储在顺序递减的PageRank的,并得到具有渐入头10的机会的结果(这将显示给用户),您可以遍历狗和蝙蝠名单只是一个相当小的部分,比如说,第一千。 (而且,当然,有高速缓存,但是这不涉及到非常查询执行算法)

Actually search engines do merge these document lists. They gain good performance by using other techniques, the most important of which is pruning: for example, for every word the documents are stored in order of decreasing pagerank, and to get results that have a chance of getting into the first 10 (which will be shown to the user) you may traverse just a fairly small portion of the dog and bat lists, say, the first thousand. (and, of course, there's caching, but that's not related to the very query execution algorithm)


Besides, after all, there are not that many documents about dogs and about bats: even if it's millions, it turns into split seconds with a good implementation.


P.S. I worked at our country's leading search engine, however, not in the very engine of our flagship search product, but I talked to its developers and was surprised to know that query execution algorithms are actually fairly dumb: it turns out that one may squash a huge amount of computation into acceptable time bounds. It is all very optimized of course, but there's no magic and no miracles.


09-05 12:16