




Recently I am trying to make app concerns a specific website. I need to have access to page which has visible content after logging. If I understand, below code shows that firstly I need to connect to url1 to avoid default mainpage so here I cannot send data (login, password). I need to see a content from url3, but here I cannot send data also because there is no login and password field. They are in url2. I tried other solutions from this website, but I receive only content that is visible for everyone. Can anybody help?

private class Parser extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
    String h;
    String url1 = "http://www.klt.net.pl/";
    String url2 = "http://www.klt.net.pl/index.php?a=logowanie";
    String url3 = "http://www.klt.net.pl/index.php?a=przedmecz1&b=2&d=2038";

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        pd = new ProgressDialog(MainActivity.this);

    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
        try {
            Connection.Response response = Jsoup.connect(url1)
        Document document = Jsoup.connect(url2)

        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {


protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
    try {
        Connection.Response response = Jsoup.connect(url1)

        Connection.Response loginRes = Jsoup.connect(url2)
        .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36")
        .data("login", getlog2,
        "haslo", getpass2)

        Map<String, String> cookies = new Map<String, String>();

        Connection.Response otherRes = Jsoup.connect(url3)

        d3 = Jsoup.connect(url3)


My updated code. Is that ok? I have error in Map (cannot instatiate the type and cannot resolved type).


要登录,你需要知道什么数据发表(ID,密码,会话cookie等...),并在 URL地址您需要上传即可。

To login you need to know what data to POST (id, password, session cookie and etc...), and the url address you need to POST to.


This information is generally all contained in the login form, I'll explain the steps required to do this below:

第1步:在 ID 密码,您需要输入登录应该是一个形式的投入。所以,简单地右键单击您在 ID类型的区域,然后选择检查元素(假设你使用的是Chrome)。在那里,你将能够检查输入和窗体属性。

Step 1: The ID and password that you need to enter to login should be inputs of a form. So simply right-click the area where you type in your ID and select Inspect Element (assuming you are on Chrome). There you will be able to inspect the property of the inputs and the form.

第2步:密切调查的形式和保持所有输入域(包括隐藏字段)的记录。你需要知道所有字段的名称。您还需要知道,如果表单请求在 GET POST 行动取得表单值。

Step 2: Closely investigate the form and keep record of ALL INPUT FIELDS (including hidden fields). You need to know the name and value of all fields. You also need to know if the form request is made in GET or POST and the action value for the form.


Step 3: Now let's get to the fun part. Use the following code snippet to make your request to the server and retrieve the desired content.

Connection.Response loginRes = Jsoup.connect(loginUrl)
                               .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36"
                               .data("login", yourID
                                     "haslo", yourPassword)
                               .cookies(response.cookies()) //this is the same cookie you used for url2!

  • loginUrl 是请求的地址,而你的情况是http://www.klt.net.pl/index.php A = logowanie

  • 的userAgent 告诉服务器你的浏览器的详细信息。

  • 数据是你把你的名字和放大器;表格中的所有输入字段的值对。

  • 饼干是你把你的饼干,你需要检查,如果你的请求需要通过服务器来接受的Cookie,这可以在网络标签下选中饼干一节。在你的情况,它使用了相同的cookie为URL2。

  • 指定你的请求方法。

    • loginUrl is the request address, which in your case would be "http://www.klt.net.pl/index.php?a=logowanie".
    • userAgent tells the server your browser details.
    • data is where you put your name&value pairs of all input fields in the form.
    • cookies is where you put your cookies, you need to check if your request requires cookies to be accepted by the server, this can be checked in the network tab under "cookies" section. In your case, its the same cookie used for url2.
    • method specifies your request method.
    • 检索到的 loginRes 对象将包含所有你需要的信息,在HTML,饼干和一切。

      The retrieved loginRes object will contain all the info you need, the html, cookies and everything.


      After you've successfully logged in, make sure you store the cookie value in a Map object like below:

      Map<String, String> cookies;


      And then make sure to pass this cookies to the cookies parameter in all future requests, like below:

      Connection.Response otherRes = Jsoup.connect(otherUrl).cookies(cookies)....


      This will ensure that your login session is maintained and the server knows you are authenticated user.



      从doInBackground任务的开头声明地图的cookie。然后存储的所有Cookie 您尽请求后。所以:

      Declare Map cookie from the beginning of the doInBackground task. Then store ALL COOKIES after you make every request. So:

      cookies = response.cookies();


09-05 12:03