I have a sqlite database that contains basic weather information in the following format:
temp1 temp2 pressure humidity
22 23 1024 40
24 25 1027 45
25 26 1020 62
18 15 1019 80
如何使用 gnuplot
how can I plot this data using gnuplot
? Do I have to re-arrange the data before being able to plot it?
要从sqlite数据库中提取数据,您可以使用 sqlite3
To extract the data from your sqlite database, you can use the sqlite3
command line tool to extract the data on-the-fly. This is done with gnuplot by using a <
which spawns a shell and uses the output of the given shell commands for plotting.
plot '< sqlite3 myfile.db3 "SELECT temp1, temp2, pressure, humidity FROM myTable;"' using 0:1 title 'temp1', \
'' using 0:2 title 'temp2'
文件名/ shell命令)。您还可以使用函数格式化shell命令:
This would extract all four fields for each plot (''
repeats the previous file name / shell command). You could also use function to format the shell command:
SqliteField(f) = '< sqlite3 myfile.db3 "SELECT '.f.' from myTable;"'
fields = 'temp1 temp2 pressure humidity'
plot for [f in fields] SqliteField(f) using 0:1 title f