

我有两个关于执行 SQL 任务生成的结果集的问题 -

I have two questions about the result set generated by an execute SQL task -

1) 存储结果集的对象的类是什么?是 ADODB 记录集吗?2)无论是什么对象,如何迭代该对象.我想简单地迭代它并以网格形式打印它,就像它出现在 SQL 服务器管理工​​作室中一样.我想在不将其放入 DataTable 对象或类似的东西的情况下执行此操作.那会浪费内存和时间.

1) What is the class of the object where the result set is stored ? Is it ADODB recordset ?2) Whatever object it is, how does one iterate that object. I want to simply iterate it an print it in grid form, just like it would appear in SQL server management studio. I want to do this WITHOUT putting it into a DataTable object or something like that. That would be a waste of memory and time.


Can someone show me how to do that ?


另一种方法是使用 ADO.NET 连接而不是 OLEDB.如果您使用 ADO.NET 连接,您将获得 ADO.NET DataSet 对象.DataSet 是 DataTable 的集合.

An alternative would be to use an ADO.NET connection instead of OLEDB. If you use ADO.NET connection, you will get ADO.NET DataSet object. A DataSet is a collection of DataTable.

DataSet 教程的一些链接 -

Some links for DataSet tutorials -


斯科特·米切尔 (Scott Mitchell) 的嘘声 -

Scott Mitchell's tut -



09-05 11:43