




Very often, arrays are squeezed with np.squeeze(). In the documentation, it says

但是我仍然想知道:为什么 呈a形状的零维和无量纲条目?或者换句话说:为什么a.shape = (2,1) (2,)同时存在?

However I'm still wondering: Why are zero and nondimensional entries in the shape of a? Or to put it differently: Why do both a.shape = (2,1) and (2,) exist?



Besides the mathematical differences between the two things, there is the issue of predictability. If your suggestion was followed, you could at no point rely on the dimension of your array. So any expression of the form my_array[x,y] would need to be replaced by something that first checks if my_array is actually two-dimensional and did not have an implicit squeeze at some point. This would probably obfuscate code far more than the occasional squeeze, which does a clearly specified thing.


Actually, it might even be very hard to tell, which axis has been removed, leading to a whole host of new problems.

本着 Python的禅宗的精神,Explicit is better than implicit ,我们也可以说,我们更喜欢显式squeeze而不是隐式数组转换.

In the spirit of The Zen of Python, also Explicit is better than implicit, we can also say that we should prefer explicit squeeze to implicit array conversion.


09-05 11:42