I've found guide on rating videos but so far there is no such guide available on rating the comments? Can any one help?
I think it's safe to conclude this feature does not exist for the following reasons,
其他详尽的 API 文档没有提及此功能.我非常怀疑 youtube/google 会忘记记录一个功能.这个问题之前已经在 SO 上被问过几次了;所有这些都没有被接受的答案 (1, 2, 3).由于最早的问题已有 10 个月的历史,因此如果确实存在此功能,则几乎没有人会发现它.Youtube 是投票机器人的常见目标,因此不提供 API 入口点作为第一道防线是有意义的.官方 Youtube (android) 应用程序不提供评论-upvote 选项,但仅提供标记和回复选项.如果存在评论投票功能,您会认为 Youtube 会在他们自己的应用中展示它.
The otherwise thorough API documentation makes no mention of this feature. I highly doubt youtube/google would forget to document a feature. This question has been asked several times before on SO; all of which have no accepted answer (1, 2, 3). With the oldest question being 10 months old, it's very unlikely no one would have found this feature if it did exist. Youtube is a common target of voter-bots and hence it would make sense to not offer an API entry-point as a first line of defense. The official Youtube (android) app offers no comment-upvote option but only flag and reply options. If a comment-upvote feature would exist, you'd think Youtube would show it off in their own app.
这篇关于如何使用 youtube-v3 评价/喜欢 YouTube 评论?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!