本文介绍了通过 Youtube API 寻找首映的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


首映式是直播和传统 YouTube 视频的混合体.详细说明:https://wersm.com/youtube-makes-premieres-available- 对所有人/

Premieres are a mix between a live stream and a traditional YouTube video. Detailed description: https://wersm.com/youtube-makes-premieres-available-to-everyone/

有没有办法通过 Youtube API 查找频道的首映?,有没有播放列表,类似于自动生成的直播播放列表(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig),只有首映?

Is there any way for finding premieres of a channel through Youtube API?, is there any playlist, similar to autogenerated playlists of live broadcasts (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig), only with premieres?

YouTube 搜索:列表端点(https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list) 不包含此类视频的事件类型过滤器.仅包括即将到来的"和实时"事件过滤器,但它们不适用于首映.仅使用实时内容.

YouTube search:list end-point (https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list) doesn't include a event type filter for this kind of video. Only includes "upcoming" and "live" event filters, but they don't work with premieres. Only work with live content.





  1. 使用带有频道 ID 过滤器的搜索端点来构建频道中所有将 liveBroadcastContent 设置为 upcoming 的视频的列表.这将为您提供所有首映视频以及直播视频的列表.

  1. Use the search endpoint with a channel id filter to build a list of all the videos in a channel that have liveBroadcastContent set to upcoming. This will get you a list of all the premiere videos, as well as the livestreaming ones.

使用带有频道 ID 过滤器和 upcomingeventType 过滤器的搜索端点.这将为您提供所有直播的列表.

Use the search endpoint with a channel id filter and an eventType filter for upcoming. This will get you a list of all livestreaming ones.



I just tested and it works for my channel, but I'll admit it's quite expensive in terms of quota consumption. It's not a great answer, but it's the only answer. :)

或者,如果可以对您的内容上传者施加一些限制,那么我建议您要求他们 1) 在视频说明中添加井号标签或 2) 将视频添加到特殊的、公开的但未列出的播放列表.这样,您的应用程序既可以搜索该哈希标签,也可以从该播放列表中读取,后者在配额消耗方面要便宜得多.

Alternatively, if it's possible to impose some restrictions on your content uploader, then I would suggest that you either ask them to 1) add their a hash tag in their video description or 2) add the video to a special, public but non-listed playlist. That way your application can either search for that hash tag or read from that playlist, the latter being much much cheaper for quota consumption.


  1. 使用带有频道 ID 过滤器的搜索端点来构建频道中所有将 liveBroadcastContent 设置为 upcoming 的视频的列表.这将为您提供所有首映视频以及直播视频的列表.

  1. Use the search endpoint with a channel id filter to build a list of all the videos in a channel that have liveBroadcastContent set to upcoming. This will get you a list of all the premiere videos, as well as the livestreaming ones.

将视频端点与您从上面收集的 id 列表一起使用,并确保将 contentDetails 作为 part 参数的一部分.您可以在此处查看视频的持续时间.它会像这样

Use the video endpoint with the list of ids that you have gathered from above, and be sure to put the contentDetails as part of the part parameter. You can see the duration of the video here. It will resemble something like this

     "contentDetails": {
        "duration": "P0D",
        "dimension": "2d",
        "definition": "sd",
        "caption": "false",
        "licensedContent": false,
        "contentRating": {},
        "projection": "rectangular"


This video is definitely an upcoming livestream, because it has a zero duration P0D. The upcoming premieres already have a fixed non-zero duration.

  1. 保留所有持续时间不为零的视频.


这篇关于通过 Youtube API 寻找首映的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 11:34