



在我的项目(使用slick 3.0播放2.4)中,我进行了设置:使用MySQL进行生产,使用H2进行单元测试(开始觉得这是一个可怕的想法).为此,我必须导入slick.driver.JdbcProfile而不是任何特定的驱动程序(例如slick.driver.MySQLDriver),并将其api._导入我的DAO类中,如下所示:

In my project(play 2.4 with slick 3.0), I have a setup: using MySQL for production and H2 for unit testing(start to feel that it is a horrible idea). To do that, I have to import slick.driver.JdbcProfile instead of any specific driver (e.g. slick.driver.MySQLDriver) and import its api._ in my DAO class, like this:

class SomeDAO(val context: MyContext){
  import context.profile.api._
  import context.SOME_TYPE

  def invoke(para: SOME_TYPE) = { ... }

  // other DBIO...



Everything is OK so far, however, I have a service class that requires this DAO, and a type in context as a parameter:

class MyService(val context: MyContext){

   val someDAO = new SomeDAO(context)
   import someDAO.context.SOME_TYPE  // it works
   // import context.SOME_TYPE   // Type mismatch! But how to avoid it???

   def invokeDAOMethod(para: SOME_TYPE) = someDAO.invoke(para) // where mismatch occurred
   // expect: MyService.this.someDao.context.SOME_TYPE
   // actual: MyService.this.context.SOME_TYPE



Problem heppens when I try to import a type from exact the same context instance, intuitively speaking, I'm using the "Same" type here, right?


Can someone explain this kind of behaviour and give hint about patterns to cut this kind of 'non-sense' I wrote?



You are using path-dependent types. They are literally dependent on paths, not on its content.


class Store {
  case class Box[T](box : T)
  def box[T](b : T) = Box[T](b)
  def unbox[T](b : Box[T]) : T = b.box

object Assign {
  val x = new Store()
  val y = x
  val box = x.box[Int](2)
  val ub = y.unbox[Int](box)


You may assume naively that x and y are practically identical, they share the same content and the same type. True for the content. Wrong for types. And compiler nicely provide you with a type error:

找到的:dependent.Assign.x.Box [Int]

found : dependent.Assign.x.Box[Int]

必填:dependent.Assign.y.Box [Int]

required: dependent.Assign.y.Box[Int]


But you could tell the compiler that x and y should share the same path-dependent types despite being different literal paths

object Assign {
  val x = new Store()
  val y : x.type = x
  val box = x.box[Int](2)
  val ub = y.unbox[Int](box)

使用val y : x.type = x,编译器将成功.


Your issue has the similar nature, and the solution is similar too: you should specify type equivalence explicitly. Change the SameDAO definition to accept type parameter

class SomeDAO[MC <: MyContext](val context: MC){


and pass appropriate type upon creation:

class MyService(val context: MyContext){
  val someDAO = new SomeDAO[context.type](context)


09-05 11:10