


  INT wait_event_interruptible(wait_queue_head_t Q,条件);
无效wake_up_all(wait_queue_head_t * Q);


And the explanation of wake_up_all is:

I'm having a hard time figuring out how exactly these functions work and how to use them together. For example, when does the CONDITION get checked? Does wait_event_interruptible continuously poll, or does it only recheck the condition when wake_up_all is called? This explanation is a little unclear.

If you could give an example of how to use these functions together that would be very helpful.


The whole point of a scheduler is to avoid polling in cases like this. What happens is precisely described in what you quoted : The condition is only rechecked on wake_up, ie for example if a given task is waiting for data to be produced :

  • consumer check if data is available

  • if not (ie condition false) it goes to sleepand is added to a wait queue

  • retry when waked up

While on the producer side

  • Once data is produced, set some flag, or add something to a listso that the condition evaluated by the consumer becomes true

  • call wake_up or wake_up all on a waitqueue

Now , I suggest you try to use them, and come back with another question AND code you tried if it does not work the way you want.


09-05 11:10