我有一组 100 相同大小的二维图像切片.我使用 MATLAB 将它们堆叠起来以创建体积数据.虽然二维切片的大小为 480x488 像素,但图像堆叠的方向不够宽,无法在投影时可视化不同方向的体积.我需要沿切片进行插值以增加可视化的大小.
I have a set of 100 2-D image slices of the same size. I have used MATLAB to stack them to create a volumetric data. While the size of the 2-D slices is 480x488 pixels, the direction in which the images are stacked is not wide enough to visualize the volume in different orientation when projected. I need to interpolate along the slices to increase the size for visualization.
Can somebody please give me an idea or tip about how to do it?
Anotated projected microscopy-images
图 1 是投影体积的俯视图.
The figure 1 is the top-view of the projected volume.
图 2 是投影体积的侧视图.
The figure 2 is the side-view of the projected volume.
当我改变旋转角度并尝试在不同方向上可视化体积时,例如侧视图(图 2),就是我在图 2 中看到的.
When I change the rotation-angle, and try to visualize the volume in different orientation, e.g. side-view (figure 2), is what I see as in figure 2.
I want to expand the side view by interpolating along the image slices.
Here is an adapted example from the MATLAB documentation on how to visualize volumetric data (similar to yours) using isosurfaces:
%# load MRI dataset: 27 slices of 128x128 images
load mri
D = squeeze(D); %# 27 2D-images
%# view slices as countours
colormap(map), view(3), axis tight
%# apply isosurface
%#D = smooth3(D);
p = patch( isosurface(D,5) );
isonormals(D, p);
set(p, 'FaceColor',[1,.75,.65], 'EdgeColor','none')
daspect([1 1 .5]), view(3), axis tight, axis vis3d
camlight, lighting gouraud
%# add isocaps
patch(isocaps(D,5), 'FaceColor','interp', 'EdgeColor','none');