本文介绍了如何将vb.net转换为vb6的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我已经在c#和vb.net中编写了代码,但现在要求是vb6.Can我将vb.net代码转换为vb6。如何在vb6中添加命名空间System.Security.Cryptography Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Linq Imports System.Text Imports System.Security.Cryptography Imports System.IO 命名空间 RijndaelEncDec 公共 枚举 CryptoEventType 消息 FileProgress 结束 枚举 公共 类 CryptoEventArgs 继承 EventArgs 私有 m_type 作为 CryptoEventType 私有 m_message 作为 字符串 私有 m_fileLength 作为 整数 私有 m_filePosition 作为 整数 公共 Sub 新( ByVal 消息作为 字符串) m_type = CryptoEventType.Message 我 .m_message =信息 结束 Sub 公开 Sub 新( ByVal fileName 作为 字符串, ByVal fileLength 作为 整数, ByVal filePosition 作为 整数) m_type = CryptoEventType.FileProgress 我 .m_fileLength = fileLength 我 .m_filePosition = filePosition m_message = fileName 结束 Sub 公共 ReadOnly 属性类型( ) As CryptoEventType 获取 返回 m_type 结束 获取 结束 属性 公开 ReadOnly 属性消息() As 字符串 获取 返回 m_message 结束 获取 结束 属性 公开 ReadOnly 属性 FileName() As 字符串 获取 返回 m_message 结束 获取 结束 属性 公共 ReadOnly 属性 FileLength() As 整数 获取 返回 m_fileLength 结束 获取 结束 属性 公共 ReadOnly 属性 FilePosition() As 整数 获取 返回 m_filePosition 结束 获取 结束 属性 结束 Class Public Delegate Sub cryptoEventHandler( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As CryptoEventArgs) ''' < summary > ''' ''' < / summary > 公共 类 CryptoManager 私人 testHeader 作为 字节()= 没什么 ' 用于验证解密是否成功 私有 testHeaderString 作为 字符串 = 没有什么 公共 Sub 新() testHeader = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( 测试标题) testHeaderString = BitConverter.ToString(testHeader) 结束 Sub 公共 Sub getKeysFr omPassword( ByVal 传递作为 字符串, ByRef rijnKey As Byte (), ByRef rijnIV 作为 字节()) Dim salt 作为 字节()= System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes) Dim pb As 新 PasswordDeriveBytes(pass,salt) rijnKey = pb.GetBytes( 32 ) rijnIV = pb.GetBytes( 16 ) 结束 Sub Const bufLen 作为 整数 = 4096 公共 Sub EncryptData ( ByVal inName 作为 [ String ], ByVal outName 作为 [字符串], ByVal rijnKey As Byte (), ByVal rijnIV 作为 字节()) Dim fin As FileStream = Nothing Dim fout As FileStream = Nothing Dim encStream As CryptoStream = Nothing 尝试 ' 创建文件流来处理输入和输出文件。 fin = 新 FileStream(inName,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read) fout = 新 FileStream(outName,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write) ' 创建变量以帮助读写。 Dim bin 作为 字节 ()= 新 字节(bufLen - 1 ){} ' 这是加密的中间存储。 Dim rdlen 作为 长 = 0 ' 这是写入的总字节数。 Dim totlen As Long = fin.Length ' 这是输入文件的总长度。 Dim len 作为 整数 ' 这是一次要写入的字节数。 Dim rijn 作为 新 RijndaelManaged () rijn.Mode = CipherMode.CBC rijn.KeySize = 256 rijn.BlockSize = 128 rijn.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 encStream = 新 CryptoStream (fout,rijn.CreateEncryptor(rijnKey,rijnIV),CryptoStreamMode.Write) ' zakoduj testowy片段 encStream.Write(testHeader, 0 ,testHeader.Length) ' 从输入文件中读取,然后加密并写入输出文件。 while True len = fin.Read(bin, 0 ,bufLen) 如果 len = 0 然后 退出 而 结束 如果 encStream.Write(bin, 0 ,len) rdlen + = len 结束 最后 如果 encStream IsNot 没什么 然后 encStream.Close() 结束 如果 如果 fout IsNot Nothing 然后 fout.Close() 结束 如果 如果 fin IsNot Nothing 然后 fin.Close() 结束 如果 结束 尝试 结束 Sub 公开 Sub EncryptBuffer( ByVal buffer As [ String ], ByVal outName As [ String ], ByVal rijnKey 作为 字节(), ByVal rijnIV 作为 字节()) Dim fin As FileStream = Nothing Dim fout As FileStream = Nothing Dim encStream As CryptoStream = Nothing 尝试 ' 创建文件流来处理输入和输出文件。 ' fin = new FileStream((inName,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read); Dim byteArray As Byte ()= Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(buffer) Dim mem 作为 新 MemoryStream(byteArray) fout = 新 FileStream(outName,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write) ' 创建变量以帮助读写。 Dim bin As Byte ()= 新 字节(bufLen - 1 ){} ' 这是加密的中间存储。 Dim rdlen As Long = 0 ' 这是写入的总字节数。 Dim totlen 作为 长 = mem.Length ' 这是输入文件的总长度。 Dim len 作为 整数 ' 这是一次要写入的字节数。 Dim rijn 作为 新 RijndaelManaged( ) rijn.Mode = CipherMode.CBC rijn.KeySize = 256 rijn.BlockSize = 128 rijn.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 encStream = 新 CryptoStream(fout,rijn.CreateEncryptor(rijnKey,rijnIV),CryptoStreamMode.Write) ' zakoduj testowy片段 encStream.Write(testHeader, 0 ,testHeader.Length) ' 从输入文件中读取,然后加密并写入输出文件。 True len = mem.Read(bin, 0 ,bufLen) 如果 len = 0 然后 退出 虽然 结束 如果 encStream.Write (bin, 0 ,len) rdlen + = len 结束 最后 如果 encStream IsNot Nothing 然后 encStream.Close() 结束 如果 如果 fout IsNot 没什么 然后 fout.Close() 结束 如果 如果 fin IsNot Nothing 然后 fin.Close() 结束 如果 结束 尝试 结束 Sub 公开 功能 DecryptData( ByVal inName As [字符串], ByVal outName As [ String ], ByVal rijnKey 作为 字节(), ByVal rijnIV 作为 字节()) As Boolean ' 创建文件流以处理输入和输出文件。 Dim fin As FileStream = Nothing Dim fout As FileStream = Nothing Dim decStream As CryptoStream = Nothing 尝试 fin = 新 FileStream(inName,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read) ' 创建变量以帮助读写。 Dim bin 作为 字节()= 新 字节(bufLen - 1 ){} ' 这是加密的中间存储。 Dim rdlen 作为 长 = 0 ' 这是写入的总字节数。 Dim totlen 作为 长 = fin.Length ' 这是输入文件的总长度。 Dim len 作为 整数 ' 这是一次要写入的字节数。 Dim rijn 作为 新 RijndaelManaged( ) rijn.Mode = CipherMode.CBC rijn.KeySize = 256 rijn.BlockSize = 128 rijn.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 DES ds = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); decStream = 新 CryptoStream(fin,rijn.CreateDecryptor(rijnKey,rijnIV),CryptoStreamMode.Read) ' odkoduj testowy片段 Dim test 作为 字节()= 新 字节(testHeader.Length - 1 ){} decStream.Read(test, 0 ,testHeader.Length) I f BitConverter.ToString(test)<> testHeaderString 然后 decStream.Clear() decStream = 没什么 返回 错误 结束 如果 ' 创建输出文件 fout = 新 FileStream(outName,FileMode) .Create,FileAccess.Write) ' 从加密文件中读取并写入dercypted数据 True len = decStream.Read(bin, 0 ,bufLen ) 如果 len = 0 然后 退出 结束 如果 fout.Write(bin, 0 ,len) rdlen + = len 结束 while 返回 True 最后 如果 decStream IsNot Nothing 那么 decStream.Close() 结束 如果 如果 fout IsNot Nothing 然后 fout.Close() 结束 如果 如果 fin IsNot Nothing 然后 fin.Close() 结束 如果 结束 尝试 结束 功能 结束 类 公开 类日志 公开 共享 logPermission 作为 布尔 = True 公共 共享 logFileLocation As [字符串] = D:\\ \\ C#EncDecLogFile.txt 结束 类 公开 类 Rijndael 私人 pwd 作为 字符串 = 私有 testHeader 作为 字节 ()= 没什么 ' 用于验证如果解密成功 私有 testHeaderString 作为 字符串 = 无 私有 cryptoKey As Byte(), cryptoIV As Byte() Private crm As New CryptoManager() Public Sub getPassword() Try pwd = \"1234567890\" 'get keys from password Dim dk As Byte() = Nothing Dim div As Byte() = Nothing crm.getKeysFromPassword(pwd, dk, div) cryptoKey = dk cryptoIV = div Catch ex As FormatException Return End Try End Sub Public Sub Encryption(ByVal filePath As String) 'sunil code with RSA getPassword() Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = \"KeyContainer\" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = \"Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider\" Dim originalPath As String = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.LastIndexOf(\"\\")) Try Dim curren t As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) Dim keyToEncrypt As Byte() Dim encryptedKey As Byte() Dim origName As String = filePath Dim encName As String = origName & \".enc\" Try crm.EncryptData(origName, encName, cryptoKey, cryptoIV) Dim fi As New FileInfo(origName) Dim fi2 As New FileInfo(encName) 'remove readonly attribute If (fi.Attributes And FileAttributes.[ReadOnly]) = FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] Then fi.Attributes = fi.Attributes And Not FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] End If 'copy creation and modification time fi2.CreationTime = fi.CreationTime fi2.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime fi2.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal Or FileAttributes.Archive Dim data As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(encName) 'delete original file File.Delete(encName) '#Region \"write RSA (Public Private) key in xml files\" Dim publicprivatexml As String = RSA.ToXmlString(True) '#End Region keyToEncrypt = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pwd) encryptedKey = RSA.Encrypt(keyToEncrypt, False) 'using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Create(origName + \" \" + current.Date.Day.ToString() + current.Date.Month.ToString() + current.Date.Year.ToString() + current.TimeOfDay.Duration().Hours.ToString() + current.TimeOfDay.Duration().Minutes.ToString() + curre nt.TimeOfDay.Duration().Seconds.ToString() + \".enc\"))) Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(originalPath & \"\Encrypted.enc\")) 'Write data bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) bw.Write(data) bw.Write(encryptedKey) bw.Close() 'MessageBox.Show(\"File Encrypted\"); End Using ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As CryptographicException 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As IOException 'i.e. readonly ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException End Try 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Public Sub Decryption(ByVal filePath As String) 'sunil code with RSA Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = \"KeyContainer\" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = \"Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider\" Dim originalPath As String = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.LastIndexOf(\"\\")) Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim encName As String = filePath & \"data\" & \".enc\" Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) '#Region \"Seperate key and data\" Dim alldata As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath) Dim getencryptedkey As Byte() = New Byte(127) {} Dim data As Byte() = New Byte(alldata.Length - 129) {} For k As Integer = 0 To alldata.Length - 129 data(k) = alldata(k) Next Dim i As Integer = alldata.Length - 128, j As Integer = 0 While i < alldata.Length getencryptedkey(j) = alldata(i) i += 1 j += 1 End While Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(encName)) bw.Write(data) bw.Close() End Using Dim publicprivatekeyxml As String = \"<rsakeyvalue><modulus>qwJYZm7ECFuktmofbVkm4J1kRf/L9521P70DaJhw/JNCwmCVItuaGEZWUlPZoMB6Q05Da7yYhkhVTH bybyxTcSMeQBsXb8jVqm3HWN3Quy8XITjGkuCsP8AijmXVV2RWa8T1oklN5SZfdaprue0ZWLjUFcZff5eay4igWjXpmVE=</modulus><exponent>AQAB</exponent><p>6RxsBsub9tG0hwRS92vLjxUuBF5adjifmLvB3cr1RnwcgX7EoVWiw/UPBzfiF/B9ZYkvu5EnL3ZTZ0Uae0eDrw==</p><q>u8zniy7nrMDyZHgnMR1yaL/w/bw0jPelo9t3h/1yOetFBRDYKGQQc3njLl/I8NIm0grug+x43vSOprh65m7y/w==</q><dp>ooqX5JEaehq1FyPzuePm9yjcgl1MFHzdA8F/p2g6aGBn+/9pmdk9egeo5+6WbvzYYvEqYE4RFa4a77omgelWrw==</dp><dq>lcTGjzgb6KiDZl5wGvo56JHSNfhnDFjfTzrSK7CS7N/UzkJtsGCEwiLda3lV/cAK142CQ9FNX7k3HnyW/rhSrw==</dq><inverseq>qni6yLGiI0ZsSabZutS+OI+qF8paE4+CMBQxj6BOt/35msm+L8kc+sqgsghy/MoZDnlt9e/lIwc2YBOAZusMCg==</inverseq><d>HTAvSnyJdSu/N2txpcZbvmbe4JvCgqcmcpSealHqpxGziV3W1rZI3O/UeATb1nZD6A0JsO/l0LWz6XM7+gHE0/jkq6LTjvLlN0ob4VtrslGmMJ6ISbiaGq4tL/rsOl3bRRJVc4bNEqDH6IgeUdRjgDe3ZVZeYzsVNHK8KYBWogk=</d></rsakeyvalue>\" RSA.FromXmlString(publicprivatekeyxml) Dim decryptedKey As Byte() = RSA.Decrypt(getencryptedkey, False) pwd = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedKey) Dim dk As Byte() = Nothing Dim div As Byte() = Nothing crm.getKeysFromPassword(pwd, dk, div) cryptoKey = dk cryptoIV = div '#End Region Dim ext As String = Path.GetExtension(encName).ToLower() If ext <> \".enc\" Then ' MessageBox.Show(\"Please Enter correct File\"); Return End If Dim dncName As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(encName) & \"\\" & Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(encName) dncName = originalPath & \"\Decrypted.dnc\" Try If crm.DecryptData(encName, dncName, cryptoKey, cryptoIV) Then Dim fi As New FileInfo(encName) Dim fi2 As New FileInfo(dncName) If (fi.Attributes And FileAttributes.[ReadOnly]) = FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] Then fi.Attributes = fi.Attributes And Not FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] End If 'copy creation and modification time fi2.CreationTime = fi.CreationTime fi2.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime 'delete encrypted file ' MessageBox.Show(\"File Decrypted\"); File.Delete(encName) ' MessageBox.Show(\"The file can't be decrypted - probably wrong password\"); Else End If 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As CryptographicException ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As IOException 'i.e. readonly ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException End Try 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Public Function ReadEncryptFileToBuffer(ByVal fileSource As String) As String Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = \"KeyContainer\" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = \"Microsoft Strong C ryptographic Provider\" Dim buffer As String = \"\" testHeader = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(\"testing header\") testHeaderString = BitConverter.ToString(testHeader) Dim originalPath As String = fileSource.Substring(0, fileSource.LastIndexOf(\"\\")) Dim alldata As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(fileSource) Dim getencryptedkey As Byte() = New Byte(127) {} Dim data As Byte() = New Byte(alldata.Length - 129) {} Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim encName As String = fileSource & \"data\" & \".enc\" Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) For k As Integer = 0 To alldata.Length - 129 data(k) = alldata(k) Next Dim i As Integer = alldata.Length - 128, j As Integer = 0 While i < alldata.Length getencryptedkey(j) = alldata(i) i += 1 j += 1 End While Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(encName)) bw.Write(data) bw.Close() End Using Dim publicprivatekeyxml As String = \"<rsakeyvalue><modulus>qwJYZm7ECFuktmofbVkm4J1kRf/L9521P70DaJhw/JNCwmCVItuaGEZWUlPZoMB6Q05Da7yYhkhVTHb ybyxTcSMeQBsXb8jVqm3HWN3Quy8XITjGkuCsP8AijmXVV2RWa8T1oklN5SZfdaprue0ZWLjUFcZff5eay4igWjXpmVE=</modulus><exponent>AQAB</exponent><p>6RxsBsub9tG0hwRS92vLjxUuBF5adjifmLvB3cr1RnwcgX7EoVWiw/UPBzfiF/B9ZYkvu5EnL3ZTZ0Uae0eDrw==</p><q>u8zniy7nrMDyZHgnMR1yaL/w/bw0jPelo9t3h/1yOetFBRDYKGQQc3njLl/I8NIm0grug+x43vSOprh65m7y/w==</q><dp>ooqX5JEaehq1FyPzuePm9yjcgl1MFHzdA8F/p2g6aGBn+/9pmdk9egeo5+6WbvzYYvEqYE4RFa4a77omgelWrw==</dp><dq>lcTGjzgb6KiDZl5wGvo56JHSNfhnDFjfTzrSK7CS7N/UzkJtsGCEwiLda3lV/cAK142CQ9FNX7k3HnyW/rhSrw==</dq><inverseq>qni6yLGiI0ZsSabZutS+OI+qF8paE4+CMBQxj6BOt/35msm+L8kc+sqgsghy/MoZDnlt9e/lIwc2YBOAZusMCg==</inverseq><d>HTAvSnyJdSu/N2txpcZbvmbe4JvCgqcmcpSealHqpxGziV3W1rZI3O/UeATb1nZD6A0JsO/l0LWz6XM7+gHE0/jkq6LTjvLlN0ob4VtrslGmMJ6ISbiaGq4tL/rsOl3bRRJVc4bNEqDH6IgeUdRjgDe3ZVZeYzsVNHK8KYBWogk=</d></rsakeyvalue>\" RSA.FromXmlString(publicprivatekeyxml) Dim decryptedKey As Byte() = RSA.Decrypt(getencryptedkey, False) pwd = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedKey) Dim dk As Byte() = Nothing Dim div As Byte() = Nothing crm.getKeysFromPassword(pwd, dk, div) cryptoKey = dk cryptoIV = div File.Delete(encName) Dim ext As String = Pat h.GetExtension(encName).ToLower() If ext <> \".enc\" Then ' MessageBox.Show(\"Please Enter correct File\"); Return \"\" End If Catch End Try Dim RijndaelCipher As RijndaelManaged Dim cryptoStream As CryptoStream = Nothing Dim memoryStr eam As MemoryStream = Nothing Dim fsIn As FileStream = Nothing Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing, cryptoStreamReader As StreamReader = Nothing Dim decryptText As [String] = Nothing Try RijndaelCipher = New RijndaelManaged() RijndaelCipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC RijndaelCipher.KeySize = 256 RijndaelCipher.BlockSize = 128 RijndaelCipher.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 fsIn = New FileStream(fileSource, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) reader = New StreamReader(fsIn, Encoding.[Default]) Dim cipherText As [String] = reader.ReadToEnd() Dim cipherByte As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.[Default].GetBytes(cipherText) Dim decryptor As ICryptoTransform = RijndaelCipher.CreateDecrypt or(cryptoKey, cryptoIV) memoryStream = New MemoryStream(data) cryptoStream = New CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read) cryptoStreamReader = New StreamReader(cryptoStream) decryptText = cryptoStreamReader.ReadToEnd() buffer = decryptText.Substring(14) Return buffer Catch ex As FileNotFoundException If ex.FileName.CompareTo(fileSource) = 0 AndAlso Log.logPermission = True Then Dim writer As New StreamWriter(Log.logFileLocation) writer.WriteLine(ex.Message & \" i.e. Input file for decryption Buffer\") writer.Close() End If Catch ex As Exception If Log.logPermission = True Then Dim writer As New StreamWriter(Log.logFileLocation) writer.WriteLine(ex.Message & \"i.e. During Reading Encrypted File to Decrypted Buffer\") writer.Close() End If Finally If reader IsNot Nothing Then reader.Close() End If If cryptoStreamReader IsNot Nothing Then cryptoStreamReader.Close() End If If cryptoStream IsNot Nothing Then cryptoStream.Close() End If If memoryStream IsNot Nothing Then memoryStream.Close() End If If fsIn IsNot Nothing Then fsIn.Close() End If End Try buffer = decryptText Return buffer End Function Public Sub BufferToEncryptFile(ByVal buffer As String, ByVal folderPath As String) 'sunil code Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = \"KeyContainer\" Dim cspPara ms As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = \"Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider\" getPassword() Dim originalPath As String = folderPath Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) Dim keyToEncrypt As Byte() Dim encryptedKey As Byte() Dim origName As String = folderPath Dim encName As String = origName & \".enc\" Try crm.EncryptBuffer(buffer, originalPath & \"\EncodedBuffer.enc\", cryptoKey, cryptoIV) Dim data As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(originalPath & \"\EncodedBuffer.enc\") 'delete original file File.Delete(originalPath & \"\EncodedBuffer.enc\") Dim publicprivatexml As String = RSA.ToXmlString(True) keyToEncrypt = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pwd) encryptedKey = RSA.Encrypt(keyToEncrypt, False) Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(originalPath & \"\Encrypted.enc\")) 'Write data bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) bw.Write(data) bw.Write(encryptedKey) bw.Close() End Using Catch ex As CryptographicException Catch ex As IOException Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException End Try Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace 解决方案 You have to rewrite by hand. There is no conversion tool to go backwards, there are no namespaces in VB6 and you better know VB6 and your .NET code inside and out. You’re going to be doing a ton of PInvoking of Win32 functions in VB6 to rewrite this code. No, nobody is going to do this for you and frankly, using VB6 is not a \"requirement\". It’s incredibly stupid in this day and age to do any new development in VB6 as VB6 has been officially dead for quite a number of years now.I have written code in c# and vb.net but now the requirement is vb6.Can i convert vb.net code to vb6.How to add namespace in vb6 System.Security.CryptographyImports System.Collections.GenericImports System.LinqImports System.TextImports System.Security.CryptographyImports System.IONamespace RijndaelEncDec Public Enum CryptoEventType Message FileProgress End Enum Public Class CryptoEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Private m_type As CryptoEventType Private m_message As String Private m_fileLength As Integer Private m_filePosition As Integer Public Sub New(ByVal message As String) m_type = CryptoEventType.Message Me.m_message = message End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal fileLength As Integer, ByVal filePosition As Integer) m_type = CryptoEventType.FileProgress Me.m_fileLength = fileLength Me.m_filePosition = filePosition m_message = fileName End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Type() As CryptoEventType Get Return m_type End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Message() As String Get Return m_message End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property FileName() As String Get Return m_message End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property FileLength() As Integer Get Return m_fileLength End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property FilePosition() As Integer Get Return m_filePosition End Get End Property End Class Public Delegate Sub cryptoEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CryptoEventArgs) ''' <summary> ''' ''' </summary> Public Class CryptoManager Private testHeader As Byte() = Nothing 'used to verify if decryption succeeded Private testHeaderString As String = Nothing Public Sub New() testHeader = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("testing header") testHeaderString = BitConverter.ToString(testHeader) End Sub Public Sub getKeysFromPassword(ByVal pass As String, ByRef rijnKey As Byte(), ByRef rijnIV As Byte()) Dim salt As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes") Dim pb As New PasswordDeriveBytes(pass, salt) rijnKey = pb.GetBytes(32) rijnIV = pb.GetBytes(16) End Sub Const bufLen As Integer = 4096 Public Sub EncryptData(ByVal inName As [String], ByVal outName As [String], ByVal rijnKey As Byte(), ByVal rijnIV As Byte()) Dim fin As FileStream = Nothing Dim fout As FileStream = Nothing Dim encStream As CryptoStream = Nothing Try 'Create the file streams to handle the input and output files. fin = New FileStream(inName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) fout = New FileStream(outName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write) 'Create variables to help with read and write. Dim bin As Byte() = New Byte(bufLen - 1) {} 'This is intermediate storage for the encryption. Dim rdlen As Long = 0 'This is the total number of bytes written. Dim totlen As Long = fin.Length 'This is the total length of the input file. Dim len As Integer 'This is the number of bytes to be written at a time. Dim rijn As New RijndaelManaged() rijn.Mode = CipherMode.CBC rijn.KeySize = 256 rijn.BlockSize = 128 rijn.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 encStream = New CryptoStream(fout, rijn.CreateEncryptor(rijnKey, rijnIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write) 'zakoduj testowy fragment encStream.Write(testHeader, 0, testHeader.Length) 'Read from the input file, then encrypt and write to the output file. While True len = fin.Read(bin, 0, bufLen) If len = 0 Then Exit While End If encStream.Write(bin, 0, len) rdlen += len End While Finally If encStream IsNot Nothing Then encStream.Close() End If If fout IsNot Nothing Then fout.Close() End If If fin IsNot Nothing Then fin.Close() End If End Try End Sub Public Sub EncryptBuffer(ByVal buffer As [String], ByVal outName As [String], ByVal rijnKey As Byte(), ByVal rijnIV As Byte()) Dim fin As FileStream = Nothing Dim fout As FileStream = Nothing Dim encStream As CryptoStream = Nothing Try 'Create the file streams to handle the input and output files. ' fin = new FileStream((inName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(buffer) Dim mem As New MemoryStream(byteArray) fout = New FileStream(outName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write) 'Create variables to help with read and write. Dim bin As Byte() = New Byte(bufLen - 1) {} 'This is intermediate storage for the encryption. Dim rdlen As Long = 0 'This is the total number of bytes written. Dim totlen As Long = mem.Length 'This is the total length of the input file. Dim len As Integer 'This is the number of bytes to be written at a time. Dim rijn As New RijndaelManaged() rijn.Mode = CipherMode.CBC rijn.KeySize = 256 rijn.BlockSize = 128 rijn.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 encStream = New CryptoStream(fout, rijn.CreateEncryptor(rijnKey, rijnIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write) 'zakoduj testowy fragment encStream.Write(testHeader, 0, testHeader.Length) 'Read from the input file, then encrypt and write to the output file. While True len = mem.Read(bin, 0, bufLen) If len = 0 Then Exit While End If encStream.Write(bin, 0, len) rdlen += len End While Finally If encStream IsNot Nothing Then encStream.Close() End If If fout IsNot Nothing Then fout.Close() End If If fin IsNot Nothing Then fin.Close() End If End Try End Sub Public Function DecryptData(ByVal inName As [String], ByVal outName As [String], ByVal rijnKey As Byte(), ByVal rijnIV As Byte()) As Boolean 'Create the file streams to handle the input and output files. Dim fin As FileStream = Nothing Dim fout As FileStream = Nothing Dim decStream As CryptoStream = Nothing Try fin = New FileStream(inName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) 'Create variables to help with read and write. Dim bin As Byte() = New Byte(bufLen - 1) {} 'This is intermediate storage for the encryption. Dim rdlen As Long = 0 'This is the total number of bytes written. Dim totlen As Long = fin.Length 'This is the total length of the input file. Dim len As Integer 'This is the number of bytes to be written at a time. Dim rijn As New RijndaelManaged() rijn.Mode = CipherMode.CBC rijn.KeySize = 256 rijn.BlockSize = 128 rijn.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 'DES ds = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); decStream = New CryptoStream(fin, rijn.CreateDecryptor(rijnKey, rijnIV), CryptoStreamMode.Read) 'odkoduj testowy fragment Dim test As Byte() = New Byte(testHeader.Length - 1) {} decStream.Read(test, 0, testHeader.Length) If BitConverter.ToString(test) <> testHeaderString Then decStream.Clear() decStream = Nothing Return False End If 'create output file fout = New FileStream(outName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write) 'Read from the encrypted file and write dercypted data While True len = decStream.Read(bin, 0, bufLen) If len = 0 Then Exit While End If fout.Write(bin, 0, len) rdlen += len End While Return True Finally If decStream IsNot Nothing Then decStream.Close() End If If fout IsNot Nothing Then fout.Close() End If If fin IsNot Nothing Then fin.Close() End If End Try End Function End Class Public Class Log Public Shared logPermission As Boolean = True Public Shared logFileLocation As [String] = "D:\C#EncDecLogFile.txt" End Class Public Class Rijndael Private pwd As String = "" Private testHeader As Byte() = Nothing 'used to verify if decryption succeeded Private testHeaderString As String = Nothing Private cryptoKey As Byte(), cryptoIV As Byte() Private crm As New CryptoManager() Public Sub getPassword() Try pwd = "1234567890" 'get keys from password Dim dk As Byte() = Nothing Dim div As Byte() = Nothing crm.getKeysFromPassword(pwd, dk, div) cryptoKey = dk cryptoIV = div Catch ex As FormatException Return End Try End Sub Public Sub Encryption(ByVal filePath As String) 'sunil code with RSA getPassword() Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = "KeyContainer" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" Dim originalPath As String = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.LastIndexOf("\")) Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) Dim keyToEncrypt As Byte() Dim encryptedKey As Byte() Dim origName As String = filePath Dim encName As String = origName & ".enc" Try crm.EncryptData(origName, encName, cryptoKey, cryptoIV) Dim fi As New FileInfo(origName) Dim fi2 As New FileInfo(encName) 'remove readonly attribute If (fi.Attributes And FileAttributes.[ReadOnly]) = FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] Then fi.Attributes = fi.Attributes And Not FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] End If 'copy creation and modification time fi2.CreationTime = fi.CreationTime fi2.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime fi2.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal Or FileAttributes.Archive Dim data As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(encName) 'delete original file File.Delete(encName) '#Region "write RSA (Public Private) key in xml files" Dim publicprivatexml As String = RSA.ToXmlString(True) '#End Region keyToEncrypt = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pwd) encryptedKey = RSA.Encrypt(keyToEncrypt, False) 'using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Create(origName + " " + current.Date.Day.ToString() + current.Date.Month.ToString() + current.Date.Year.ToString() + current.TimeOfDay.Duration().Hours.ToString() + current.TimeOfDay.Duration().Minutes.ToString() + current.TimeOfDay.Duration().Seconds.ToString() + ".enc"))) Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(originalPath & "\Encrypted.enc")) 'Write data bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) bw.Write(data) bw.Write(encryptedKey) bw.Close() 'MessageBox.Show("File Encrypted"); End Using ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As CryptographicException 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As IOException 'i.e. readonly ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException End Try 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Public Sub Decryption(ByVal filePath As String) 'sunil code with RSA Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = "KeyContainer" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" Dim originalPath As String = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.LastIndexOf("\")) Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim encName As String = filePath & "data" & ".enc" Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) '#Region "Seperate key and data" Dim alldata As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath) Dim getencryptedkey As Byte() = New Byte(127) {} Dim data As Byte() = New Byte(alldata.Length - 129) {} For k As Integer = 0 To alldata.Length - 129 data(k) = alldata(k) Next Dim i As Integer = alldata.Length - 128, j As Integer = 0 While i < alldata.Length getencryptedkey(j) = alldata(i) i += 1 j += 1 End While Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(encName)) bw.Write(data) bw.Close() End Using Dim publicprivatekeyxml As String = "<rsakeyvalue><modulus>qwJYZm7ECFuktmofbVkm4J1kRf/L9521P70DaJhw/JNCwmCVItuaGEZWUlPZoMB6Q05Da7yYhkhVTHbybyxTcSMeQBsXb8jVqm3HWN3Quy8XITjGkuCsP8AijmXVV2RWa8T1oklN5SZfdaprue0ZWLjUFcZff5eay4igWjXpmVE=</modulus><exponent>AQAB</exponent><p>6RxsBsub9tG0hwRS92vLjxUuBF5adjifmLvB3cr1RnwcgX7EoVWiw/UPBzfiF/B9ZYkvu5EnL3ZTZ0Uae0eDrw==</p><q>u8zniy7nrMDyZHgnMR1yaL/w/bw0jPelo9t3h/1yOetFBRDYKGQQc3njLl/I8NIm0grug+x43vSOprh65m7y/w==</q><dp>ooqX5JEaehq1FyPzuePm9yjcgl1MFHzdA8F/p2g6aGBn+/9pmdk9egeo5+6WbvzYYvEqYE4RFa4a77omgelWrw==</dp><dq>lcTGjzgb6KiDZl5wGvo56JHSNfhnDFjfTzrSK7CS7N/UzkJtsGCEwiLda3lV/cAK142CQ9FNX7k3HnyW/rhSrw==</dq><inverseq>qni6yLGiI0ZsSabZutS+OI+qF8paE4+CMBQxj6BOt/35msm+L8kc+sqgsghy/MoZDnlt9e/lIwc2YBOAZusMCg==</inverseq><d>HTAvSnyJdSu/N2txpcZbvmbe4JvCgqcmcpSealHqpxGziV3W1rZI3O/UeATb1nZD6A0JsO/l0LWz6XM7+gHE0/jkq6LTjvLlN0ob4VtrslGmMJ6ISbiaGq4tL/rsOl3bRRJVc4bNEqDH6IgeUdRjgDe3ZVZeYzsVNHK8KYBWogk=</d></rsakeyvalue>" RSA.FromXmlString(publicprivatekeyxml) Dim decryptedKey As Byte() = RSA.Decrypt(getencryptedkey, False) pwd = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedKey) Dim dk As Byte() = Nothing Dim div As Byte() = Nothing crm.getKeysFromPassword(pwd, dk, div) cryptoKey = dk cryptoIV = div '#End Region Dim ext As String = Path.GetExtension(encName).ToLower() If ext <> ".enc" Then ' MessageBox.Show("Please Enter correct File"); Return End If Dim dncName As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(encName) & "\" & Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(encName) dncName = originalPath & "\Decrypted.dnc" Try If crm.DecryptData(encName, dncName, cryptoKey, cryptoIV) Then Dim fi As New FileInfo(encName) Dim fi2 As New FileInfo(dncName) If (fi.Attributes And FileAttributes.[ReadOnly]) = FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] Then fi.Attributes = fi.Attributes And Not FileAttributes.[ReadOnly] End If 'copy creation and modification time fi2.CreationTime = fi.CreationTime fi2.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime 'delete encrypted file ' MessageBox.Show("File Decrypted"); File.Delete(encName) ' MessageBox.Show("The file can't be decrypted - probably wrong password"); Else End If 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As CryptographicException ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As IOException 'i.e. readonly ' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException End Try 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Public Function ReadEncryptFileToBuffer(ByVal fileSource As String) As String Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = "KeyContainer" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" Dim buffer As String = "" testHeader = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("testing header") testHeaderString = BitConverter.ToString(testHeader) Dim originalPath As String = fileSource.Substring(0, fileSource.LastIndexOf("\")) Dim alldata As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(fileSource) Dim getencryptedkey As Byte() = New Byte(127) {} Dim data As Byte() = New Byte(alldata.Length - 129) {} Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim encName As String = fileSource & "data" & ".enc" Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) For k As Integer = 0 To alldata.Length - 129 data(k) = alldata(k) Next Dim i As Integer = alldata.Length - 128, j As Integer = 0 While i < alldata.Length getencryptedkey(j) = alldata(i) i += 1 j += 1 End While Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(encName)) bw.Write(data) bw.Close() End Using Dim publicprivatekeyxml As String = "<rsakeyvalue><modulus>qwJYZm7ECFuktmofbVkm4J1kRf/L9521P70DaJhw/JNCwmCVItuaGEZWUlPZoMB6Q05Da7yYhkhVTHbybyxTcSMeQBsXb8jVqm3HWN3Quy8XITjGkuCsP8AijmXVV2RWa8T1oklN5SZfdaprue0ZWLjUFcZff5eay4igWjXpmVE=</modulus><exponent>AQAB</exponent><p>6RxsBsub9tG0hwRS92vLjxUuBF5adjifmLvB3cr1RnwcgX7EoVWiw/UPBzfiF/B9ZYkvu5EnL3ZTZ0Uae0eDrw==</p><q>u8zniy7nrMDyZHgnMR1yaL/w/bw0jPelo9t3h/1yOetFBRDYKGQQc3njLl/I8NIm0grug+x43vSOprh65m7y/w==</q><dp>ooqX5JEaehq1FyPzuePm9yjcgl1MFHzdA8F/p2g6aGBn+/9pmdk9egeo5+6WbvzYYvEqYE4RFa4a77omgelWrw==</dp><dq>lcTGjzgb6KiDZl5wGvo56JHSNfhnDFjfTzrSK7CS7N/UzkJtsGCEwiLda3lV/cAK142CQ9FNX7k3HnyW/rhSrw==</dq><inverseq>qni6yLGiI0ZsSabZutS+OI+qF8paE4+CMBQxj6BOt/35msm+L8kc+sqgsghy/MoZDnlt9e/lIwc2YBOAZusMCg==</inverseq><d>HTAvSnyJdSu/N2txpcZbvmbe4JvCgqcmcpSealHqpxGziV3W1rZI3O/UeATb1nZD6A0JsO/l0LWz6XM7+gHE0/jkq6LTjvLlN0ob4VtrslGmMJ6ISbiaGq4tL/rsOl3bRRJVc4bNEqDH6IgeUdRjgDe3ZVZeYzsVNHK8KYBWogk=</d></rsakeyvalue>" RSA.FromXmlString(publicprivatekeyxml) Dim decryptedKey As Byte() = RSA.Decrypt(getencryptedkey, False) pwd = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedKey) Dim dk As Byte() = Nothing Dim div As Byte() = Nothing crm.getKeysFromPassword(pwd, dk, div) cryptoKey = dk cryptoIV = div File.Delete(encName) Dim ext As String = Path.GetExtension(encName).ToLower() If ext <> ".enc" Then ' MessageBox.Show("Please Enter correct File"); Return "" End If Catch End Try Dim RijndaelCipher As RijndaelManaged Dim cryptoStream As CryptoStream = Nothing Dim memoryStream As MemoryStream = Nothing Dim fsIn As FileStream = Nothing Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing, cryptoStreamReader As StreamReader = Nothing Dim decryptText As [String] = Nothing Try RijndaelCipher = New RijndaelManaged() RijndaelCipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC RijndaelCipher.KeySize = 256 RijndaelCipher.BlockSize = 128 RijndaelCipher.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7 fsIn = New FileStream(fileSource, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) reader = New StreamReader(fsIn, Encoding.[Default]) Dim cipherText As [String] = reader.ReadToEnd() Dim cipherByte As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.[Default].GetBytes(cipherText) Dim decryptor As ICryptoTransform = RijndaelCipher.CreateDecryptor(cryptoKey, cryptoIV) memoryStream = New MemoryStream(data) cryptoStream = New CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read) cryptoStreamReader = New StreamReader(cryptoStream) decryptText = cryptoStreamReader.ReadToEnd() buffer = decryptText.Substring(14) Return buffer Catch ex As FileNotFoundException If ex.FileName.CompareTo(fileSource) = 0 AndAlso Log.logPermission = True Then Dim writer As New StreamWriter(Log.logFileLocation) writer.WriteLine(ex.Message & " i.e. Input file for decryption Buffer") writer.Close() End If Catch ex As Exception If Log.logPermission = True Then Dim writer As New StreamWriter(Log.logFileLocation) writer.WriteLine(ex.Message & "i.e. During Reading Encrypted File to Decrypted Buffer") writer.Close() End If Finally If reader IsNot Nothing Then reader.Close() End If If cryptoStreamReader IsNot Nothing Then cryptoStreamReader.Close() End If If cryptoStream IsNot Nothing Then cryptoStream.Close() End If If memoryStream IsNot Nothing Then memoryStream.Close() End If If fsIn IsNot Nothing Then fsIn.Close() End If End Try buffer = decryptText Return buffer End Function Public Sub BufferToEncryptFile(ByVal buffer As String, ByVal folderPath As String) 'sunil code Const PROVIDER_RSA_FULL As Integer = 1 Const CONTAINER_NAME As String = "KeyContainer" Dim cspParams As CspParameters cspParams = New CspParameters(PROVIDER_RSA_FULL) cspParams.KeyContainerName = CONTAINER_NAME cspParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore cspParams.ProviderName = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" getPassword() Dim originalPath As String = folderPath Try Dim current As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim RSA As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspParams) Dim keyToEncrypt As Byte() Dim encryptedKey As Byte() Dim origName As String = folderPath Dim encName As String = origName & ".enc" Try crm.EncryptBuffer(buffer, originalPath & "\EncodedBuffer.enc", cryptoKey, cryptoIV) Dim data As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(originalPath & "\EncodedBuffer.enc") 'delete original file File.Delete(originalPath & "\EncodedBuffer.enc") Dim publicprivatexml As String = RSA.ToXmlString(True) keyToEncrypt = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pwd) encryptedKey = RSA.Encrypt(keyToEncrypt, False) Using bw As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(originalPath & "\Encrypted.enc")) 'Write data bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) bw.Write(data) bw.Write(encryptedKey) bw.Close() End Using Catch ex As CryptographicException Catch ex As IOException Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException End Try Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub End ClassEnd Namespace 解决方案 You have to rewrite by hand. There is no conversion tool to go backwards, there are no namespaces in VB6 and you better know VB6 and your .NET code inside and out.You're going to be doing a ton of PInvoking of Win32 functions in VB6 to rewrite this code.No, nobody is going to do this for you and frankly, using VB6 is not a "requirement". It's incredibly stupid in this day and age to do any new development in VB6 as VB6 has been officially dead for quite a number of years now. 这篇关于如何将vb.net转换为vb6的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!