本文介绍了如何在 Angular js 中创建动态工厂?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的项目中,我必须在angular js中创建动态工厂,动态工厂名称如下

In my project i have to create dynamic factory in angular js with dynamic factory name like below

  function createDynamicFactory(modId) {
     return myModule.factory(modId + '-existingService', function (existingService) {
        return existingService(modId);


I want to get new factory with dynamic name , when i called this function. unfortunately this is not working. how can i achieve this? and how to inject in my controller or in directive dynamically?



You can annotate your service generator like this. It takes the module and extension and then annotates a dependency on the "echo" service (just an example service I defined to echo back text and log it to the console) so the generated service can use it:

makeService = function(module, identifier) {
    module.factory(identifier+'-service', ['echo', function(echo) {
            return {
                run: function(msg) {
                    return echo.echo(identifier + ": " + msg);


Then you can make a few dynamic services:

makeService(app, 'ex1');
makeService(app, 'ex2');

最后有两种注入方式.如果您知道您的约定,您可以将其与注释一起传递,如 ext1 所示.否则,只需获取 $injector 的一个实例并以这种方式获取它.

Finally, there are two ways to inject. If you know your convention you can pass it in with the annotation as the ext1 is shown. Otherwise, just get an instance of the $injector and grab it that way.

app.controller("myController", ['ex1-service',
                                function(service, $injector, $scope) {
    $scope.service1 = service.run('injected.');
    $scope.service2 = $injector.get('ex2-service').run('dynamically injected');


Here is the full working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jeremylikness/QM52v/1/


Updated: if you want to create the service dynamically after the module is initialized, it's a few slight changes. Instead of trying to register the module, simply return an annotated array. The first parameters are the dependencies and the last is the function to register:

makeService = function(identifier) {
    return ['echo', function(echo) {
        console.log("in service factory");
            return {
                run: function(msg) {
                    return echo.echo(identifier + ": " + msg);

然后你得到一个对数组的引用并在 $injector 上调用实例化来连接它:

Then you get a reference to the array and call instantiate on the $injector to wire it up with dependencies:

var fn = makeService('ex2');
$scope.service2 = $injector.instantiate(fn).run('dynamically injected');


这篇关于如何在 Angular js 中创建动态工厂?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 10:38