我对 Python 非常陌生.
I am incredibly new to python.
我有一个充满 json 对象的数组.一些 json 对象包含重复值.数组如下所示:
I have an array full of json objects. Some of the json objects contain duplicated values. The array looks like this:
如果 name
与另一个 json 对象相同,我想要做的是删除一个项目,并将第一个留在数组中.
What I am trying to do is to remove an item if the name
is the same as another json object, and leave the first one in the array.
So in this case I should be left with
The code I currently have can be seen below and is largely based on this answer:
import json
ds = json.loads('python.json') #this file contains the json
unique_stuff = { each['name'] : each for each in ds }.values()
all_ids = [ each['name'] for each in ds ]
unique_stuff = [ ds[ all_ids.index(text) ] for text in set(texts) ]
print unique_stuff
我什至不确定这一行是否有效 ds = json.loads('python.json') #this file contains the json
就像我尝试 print ds 控制台中什么也没有显示.
I am not even sure that this line is working
ds = json.loads('python.json') #this file contains the json
as when I try and print ds
nothing shows up in the console.
首先,您的 json 代码段格式无效 - 某些键用点代替逗号分隔.
First of all, your json snippet has invalid format - there are dot instead of commas separating some keys.
You can solve your problem using a dictionary with names as keys:
import json
with open('python.json') as fp:
ds = json.load(fp) #this file contains the json
mem = {}
for record in ds:
name = record["name"]
if name not in mem:
mem[name] = record
print mem.values()
这篇关于如果值重复,则从数组中删除 json 项 python的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!