我看到了相似但不相同的内容:这里.我绝对希望所有列表元素的排列而不是组合.我的是不同的,因为itertools排列的a,b,c返回abc而不是aba(soooo close).如何获得像aba这样的结果?
I have seen similar but not the same: here.I definitely want the permutations, not combinations, of all list elements. Mine is different because itertools permutation of a,b,c returns abc but not aba (soooo close).How can I get results like aba returned as well?
('a',) <-excellent
('b',) <-excellent
('c',) <-excellent
('a', 'b') <-excellent
('a', 'c') <-excellent
('b', 'a') <-excellent
('b', 'c') <-excellent
('c', 'a') <-excellent
('c', 'b') <-excellent
('a', 'b', 'c') <-- I need a,b,a
('a', 'c', 'b') <-- I need a,c,a
('b', 'a', 'c') <-- I need b,a,b... you get the idea
哦,排列的最大长度(在python.org itertools中为"r")等于len(list),我不想包含双精度",例如aab或abb ...或abba:P该列表可以是任意长度.
Oh max length of permutations ("r" in the python.org itertools) is equal to len(list), and I don't want to include 'doubles' such as aab or abb ...or abba :P The list could be any length.
import itertools
from itertools import product
my_list = ["a","b","c"]
#print list(itertools.permutations(my_list, 1))
#print list(itertools.permutations(my_list, 2))
#print list(itertools.permutations(my_list, 3)) <-- this *ALMOST* works
I combined the above into a for loop
def all_combinations(varsxx):
repeat = 1
all_combinations_result = []
for item in varsxx:
if repeat <= len(varsxx):
all_combinations_result.append(list(itertools.permutations(varsxx, repeat)))
repeat += 1
return all_combinations_result
For reference, when I did this on paper I got 21 results.
Also is there any merit in converting the list of strings into a list of numbers. My thought was that numbers would be easier to work with for the permutations tool. Strings might be 10 to 50 chars..ish.
Even though you "definitely want the permutations", it sounds like you don't really want that, you actually want the Cartesian product of your sequence with itself from 1 to len(sequence) times, with results with neighbouring equal elements filtered out.
In [16]: from itertools import product
In [17]: def has_doubles(x): return any(i==j for i,j in zip(x, x[1:]))
In [18]: seq = ["a","b","c"]
In [19]: [x for n in range(len(seq)) for x in product(seq, repeat=n+1)
if not has_doubles(x)]
('a', 'b'),
('a', 'c'),
('b', 'a'),
('b', 'c'),
('c', 'a'),
('c', 'b'),
('a', 'b', 'a'),
('a', 'b', 'c'),
('a', 'c', 'a'),
('a', 'c', 'b'),
('b', 'a', 'b'),
('b', 'a', 'c'),
('b', 'c', 'a'),
('b', 'c', 'b'),
('c', 'a', 'b'),
('c', 'a', 'c'),
('c', 'b', 'a'),
('c', 'b', 'c')]
In [20]: len(_)
Out[20]: 21