本文介绍了更新到最新的Indy TCP库版本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


自E / 2011起,我一直在使用DELPHI XE2。我现在检查了编译器附带的已实现的INDY Lib,发现gsIdVersion = '10 .5.8.0';

I'm using DELPHI XE2 since E/2011. I checked now the implemented INDY Lib shipped with my compiler, and found gsIdVersion = '';


If I want to upgrade to the latest INDY version, I use Indy download link


here I found LATEST INDY ZIP FILE. The date of the file is from today, the revision is is less then my installed indy version ID. bevore doing any further action, Can some help me and solve my version number confusion


根据subversion repo,最新修订对于Indy 10,则为r4910。链接到的ZIP文件名为Indy10_4910.zip。

According to the subversion repo, the latest revision for Indy 10 is r4910. The ZIP file that you link to is named Indy10_4910.zip. So that is as up-to-date as you can be.

检查此类内容的方法是自己查看源代码控制存储库。 Indy网站在此处具有源代码控制存储库网关页面:

The way to check something like this is to look at the source control repo yourself. The Indy website has a source control repo gateway page here: http://www.indyproject.org/sockets/Download/svn.EN.aspx


Update: If what @mjn says is true then the ZIP file may be out of date. I would always use svn to pull off the latest version.

这篇关于更新到最新的Indy TCP库版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 10:24