

本文介绍了node.js中的事件循环是什么意思? javascript事件循环或libuv事件循环?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



In Node.js we a lot talk about the event loop, so I want to know which event loop we are talking about, the Javascript event loop or the libuv event loop ?I guess libuv event loop that provides abstraction for multiple operating system of multiplexing i/o ? Am I right? If not so please explain how this stuff works? I need some internal knowledge, I know what an event loop is, I just want to know how it is connected?


当前,节点使用libuv提供的事件循环-即其默认事件循环:uv_default_loop().请参阅:Nikhil Marathe libuv简介:

Currently Node uses the the event loop provided by libuv - namely its default event loop: uv_default_loop(). See: An Introduction to libuv by Nikhil Marathe:

注意:node.js使用默认循环作为其主循环.如果你是 编写绑定时,您应该意识到这一点.

Note: node.js uses the default loop as its main loop. If you are writing bindings you should be aware of this.

设计概述页面上有一个linuv体系结构图.在libuv API文档中:

There is a linuv architecture diagram on the Design overview page in the libuv API documentation:

过去,libev的事件循环是在Node中使用的.请参见了解node.js事件循环高田美纪(Mikito Takada):

In the past, libev's event loop was used in Node. See Understanding the node.js event loop by Mikito Takada:


Some good resources on the Node event loop:

  • Understanding the node.js event loop by Mikito Takada
  • Understanding node.js by Felix Geisendörfer
  • Understanding the Node.js Event Loop by Trevor Norris
  • Node.js itself is blocking, only its I/O is non-blocking by Jeremy Epstein
  • An Introduction to libuv by Nikhil Marathe
  • The libuv API documentation


Thanks to Saúl Ibarra Corretgé for the clarification in the comments.

这篇关于node.js中的事件循环是什么意思? javascript事件循环或libuv事件循环?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 10:21