



是否有理由 System.Buffer.BlockCopy 使用 int 参数而不是 long 作为副本的偏移量/长度?流通常与 long 一起使用,为什么 BlockCopy 也不会具有需要 long 的重载?

Is there a reason System.Buffer.BlockCopy takes int parameters instead of long for the offset/length of the copy? Streams generally work with long, why would BlockCopy not have an overload that takes long, too?


由于在.NET 4.5之前,没有对象可以超过2 GB.因此,没有理由要用一个以上的整数来表示长度.

Because prior to .NET 4.5, no object could exceed 2 gigabytes. So there was no reason to have more than an int to represent the length.

即使在.NET 4.5中,尽管数组的长度可以超过2 GB,但它不能超过2 ^ 31个项目.因此, byte [] 的最大大小仍为2 GB(减去一点开销). int [] 的最大大小为2 ^ 31个项目或大约8 GB,等等.请参见 gcAllowVeryLargObjects .

Even in .NET 4.5, although an array can be more than 2 gigabytes in length, it can't have more than 2^31 items. So the maximum size of a byte[] is still 2 gigabytes (minus a little overhead). The maximum size of an int[] is 2^31 items or about 8 gigabytes, etc. See gcAllowVeryLargObjects.


09-05 09:50